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Old 12-16-2008, 03:21 PM   #76
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by thomasfan31 View Post
Anyone who thinks Portis is average....You answer this? Does Portis get the job done ? Does he get the job done well?!!!!! Does he consistently lead the nfl in rushing when healthy? When you think of offensive leader and playmaker on this team, does he cross your mind? Geesh. Some people are so critical! He is not perfect but he sure is DAMN GOOD!
Thats pretty much my point.... He is average, he isn't bad by any stretch, he just isn't a GREAT running back like every one always says. I definitely don't think he sucks. I don't think he has ever lead the league in rushing a Skin though.... not sure.

My main beef with Portis is that he doesn't break any game changing runs and isn't effective in short yardage. (things a great RB does)

My first post somewhat insinuated that I don't think he produces, which is wrong, he definitely produces. But I think Ladell Betts would probably have the same numbers if he got the touches.

Great running backs (ie LT (in his day) Brian Westbrook, AP, etc) always have at least one big play per game. CP not so much.

Let the hate continue.
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Old 12-16-2008, 03:32 PM   #77
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Re: Portis

If every player played their position as well as Portis does we would be unstopable. Definatly in the playoffs. I won't go as far as the Superbowl. But I probably could.
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Old 12-16-2008, 03:39 PM   #78
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Re: Portis

ladell betts sucks always has always will
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Old 12-16-2008, 03:59 PM   #79
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by RedskinMike View Post
ladell betts sucks always has always will
I will always question the desire of a player who willing chose to be a back up.

He could have gotten the same money to start somewhere after 06. Weird. I don't think he sucks though.
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Old 12-16-2008, 09:31 PM   #80
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by jdot26 View Post
Every team that everybody is naming and all the running backs yall naming have good offensive lines let us get one and yall will be back on clinton portis wagon again.. Man i hate fans that like him then dont like him.. Yall suck i hate far weather fans
What's a far weather fan? LOL.
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Old 12-16-2008, 09:59 PM   #81
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Re: Portis

wow, i come here all the time for opinions that are reasonable. gonna have to log off for a bit and ignore the typical fans i try to avoid. Clinton Portis is a warrior, he is the best player on our team and a leader. How do you call out the league leader in rushing 3 weeks ago when there is plenty of blame to pass around. oh, i get it. popular opinion. Guess you want Zorn gone too. At my end with retards and there retarded opinions. KEEP ZORN, AND PORTIS IS OUR FRANCHISE PLAYER!
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Old 12-16-2008, 10:20 PM   #82
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by beau_str View Post
wow, i come here all the time for opinions that are reasonable. gonna have to log off for a bit and ignore the typical fans i try to avoid. Clinton Portis is a warrior, he is the best player on our team and a leader. How do you call out the league leader in rushing 3 weeks ago when there is plenty of blame to pass around. oh, i get it. popular opinion. Guess you want Zorn gone too. At my end with retards and there retarded opinions. KEEP ZORN, AND PORTIS IS OUR FRANCHISE PLAYER!
Nobody is going to be reasonable after losing 5 out of the last 6 games, unfortunately. I don't know why people are calling Portis out either when there are severe glaring problems wrong with this team. I mean it'd be like calling out Moss for causing the team to lose.

I mean, really? Portis is the least of Redskins organizations worries. The people calling out Portis are probably the type of people that don't want to see things from a big picture perspective and would rather zero in on one problem and then hop around and point at it like a leprachaun doing a jig on hot coals.

Expand your mind and actually attempt to wrap your mind around bigger problems facing the Skins. I feel like everyone is just on Portis' case cause he ran his mouth on the radio instead of handling his problem with Zorn in another way. People all of a sudden started coming out the woodworks saying, "I hate Portis" as soon as he screwed up.

Bet ya nobody was saying that when he was the leading rusher in the NFL a few weeks back, eh?

I certainly don't think Portis is some elite RB on his way to an amazing breakout season, I can even understand people who say Portis has dropped off a little in the past few seasons.

But to for people to sit here and act like Portis is some plague on the hands of the Redskins roster, who has never done anything since being with the team and who hasn't done anything this season is just freaking ridiculous.
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Last edited by DynamiteRave; 12-16-2008 at 10:26 PM.
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Old 12-16-2008, 11:46 PM   #83
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by maroonandblack30 View Post
Brandon Jacobs
Brian Westbrook
Michael Turner
D. Williams

I'd rather have all those guys.
I think you mean you rather have there offensive line

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
First they ban this?
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Old 12-17-2008, 02:06 AM   #84
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Re: Portis

Just saw this thread after getting back from travel. Definitely one of the top 5 dumbest threads I've seen on this forum over the past 4 years. If everybody on the team played as hard as Portis, we would be a playoff contender every season. The guy is a stone cold warrior. The grade 2 MCL strain he suffered against Pittsburgh is typically a 4 week injury, yet he didn't miss a game. On top of that, show me another RB who picks up blitzing LBs better than Portis. Between playing hurt and as inept as our passing offense is, the year Portis has had is quite remarkable. The Redskins would be about 4-10 (or worse) at this point without Portis's contributions.
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Old 12-17-2008, 02:25 AM   #85
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Re: Portis

At first I chose not to reply to this thread, because I thought this was just an irate guy, who was mudslinging the entire organization, and Portis seemed to fall under that. fter reading the past few pages, and seeing that he has continued to back it up, I felt the need to address it.

To say that Clinton Portis has been clear from criticism for this entire year, would be a farce. He has indeed received criticsm from both within the org and from the media, yet he has played thru pain, and has had an excellent season. He may not be breaking 50 and 60 yd runs, but he is still just as effective. He is a devastating blocker against the rush D, and a hard nosed runner. He has taken the position as a team leader and set an example for his teammates in the offseason.

You claimed that you would rather have the following backs instead of Portis: AP (who was injured prior to him being drafted, and Minny took a chance on him, not knowing whether he was fully healed and returned to normal), Brandon Jacobs(who is currently injured and not playing and may be part of the reason why the Giants are losing), Brian Westbrook(who has been injured for most of the season causing both his team and my fantasy teams to suffer), Michael Turner(who as of last year was LTs backup, and Atl had no real way of knowing whether he would be a bust or not) and DeAngelo Williams(who up until last year was considered a disappointment). You'd rather have these guys, than someone who has proven his toughness and durability and loyalty to this team year in and year out? C'mon. Be serious. Up until our losing streak, the guy was the NFL's leading rusher. No complaints then, huh? But I guess since we're losing everybody deserves to get hated on.
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Old 12-17-2008, 08:26 AM   #86
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Re: Portis

well our " average" runningback made the probowl and all the commentators are singing his praises! I guess the EXPERTS see something that most HATERS...I mean fans don't see. We should be laying off portis. He is the heart of our offense!!! Lets start a thread about someone else..Okay!
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Old 12-17-2008, 08:58 AM   #87
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Re: Portis

I agree that Portis lacks big play ability. I dont know how anyone argue against that. however he is still a great overall back because, he works his ass off, he rarely fumbles, he is the best blocking back in the league, and he does not make mental errors

he is quite bad at making people miss though, he is not elusive at all. I would not be against getting rid of him as long as we draft a replacement. There are so many great rb's drafted every year in the first 2 rounds consistantly.
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:30 AM   #88
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Re: Portis

I honestly can't believe what I am reading. People actually have turned the blame to Portis now. Who, just two weeks ago was seriously in consideration for the MVP of the league! You people have to get a grip. Portis is banged up big time. He is the Redskins offense. Teams have learned to put 8-9 in the box and stop him because Zorn has turned into conservative Joe(you know who) If anyone is on Portis and calling for him to go, that is just ridiculous. Losing brings out funny things in people, just never thought they would turn on our MVP running back.

Let me offer some advise....STOP putting the Redskins in the class of top tier team in the NFL. We are probably bottom 5 in the NFL in the last 10 years. When you people understand that we are NOT an elite team in the NFL, hell even a pretty decent team in the NFL, you will learn to stop being so disappointed. Dont get me wrong, i get fired up with the best of them, but I have learned that we ARE NOT one of the top teams in the NFL, we wont be with Vinny and Danny making decisions and until someone with some experience and knowledge is hired, this is what we will deal with.
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Old 12-17-2008, 12:07 PM   #89
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by maroonandblack30 View Post
I agree with you.... "holding us back" is a good way to put it.

To those who keep pointing out that Portis is such a great blocker (and I agree he is)..... He isn't getting paid $20 mil to pass protect.
Unfortunately, the offensive linemen who ARE paid to pass protect don't.
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Old 12-18-2008, 02:17 AM   #90
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by #56fanatic View Post
I honestly can't believe what I am reading. People actually have turned the blame to Portis now. Who, just two weeks ago was seriously in consideration for the MVP of the league! You people have to get a grip. Portis is banged up big time. He is the Redskins offense. Teams have learned to put 8-9 in the box and stop him because Zorn has turned into conservative Joe(you know who) If anyone is on Portis and calling for him to go, that is just ridiculous. Losing brings out funny things in people, just never thought they would turn on our MVP running back.

Let me offer some advise....STOP putting the Redskins in the class of top tier team in the NFL. We are probably bottom 5 in the NFL in the last 10 years. When you people understand that we are NOT an elite team in the NFL, hell even a pretty decent team in the NFL, you will learn to stop being so disappointed. Dont get me wrong, i get fired up with the best of them, but I have learned that we ARE NOT one of the top teams in the NFL, we wont be with Vinny and Danny making decisions and until someone with some experience and knowledge is hired, this is what we will deal with.
Although earlier in the year, Portis was chewing up 8-man fronts for dinner. Now, he's struggling against 7-man fronts. The guys up front share a lot of blame, but all you have to do is look at the outcomes of Portis' carries from October to now to see why the offense isn't scoring enough points.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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