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Old 09-06-2008, 11:22 AM   #211
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by prinzeofmoval View Post
How do you figure they have better recievers? Outside of Peyton who really does everybody has one good one with the rest being role players. O-Line you got me there.
GB- Jennings, Driver, Lee
NE- Moss & Welker
IND- Wayne, Harrison, Clark
DAL- Owens, Crayton & Witten

face it there better then our combination of WR's & TE that's why we drafted 2 WR's & a TE.

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
First they ban this?
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Old 09-06-2008, 03:56 PM   #212
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I just got done watching the game (I love DVR). While I understand any loss is frustrating, you guys who are bashing JC and going down the "lacks intellect" & "can't read defenses" road are flat out wrong. Football is a team sport and while a QB can definitely lose a game by himself, that was not the case on Thursday.

I would challenge any of you bashing JC to sit down, watch an NFL game, and guess what coverage is being called on each play (BTW you won't have 300 lbers trying to rip your head off while doing it). I'll bet you won't make the correct call more than 40-50% of the time, less against Spags' defense. He's a very good DC who disguises coverages well.

For the most part JC made the right reads and decisions. He missed Cooley early (threw to Betts on the screen as Matty pointed out). He made a bad throw to Moss deep (underthrown). Other than that he looked solid in his decsion making. WRs needed to be smarter in finding the 1st down marker, penalties put us in 2nd-3rd and long several times. On those 3rd & longs don't you think a good DC is going to cover deep (rhetorical). Would you rather JC force the ball deep into coverage and turn it over?

Let's look at things realistically: JC didn't turn it over, we were in the game throughout, and in a new offense there will be penalties and missed assignments by all players, that needs to be correct by all. We faced one of the better defenses and top DCs in the NFL with a new HC and new offense. Did you guys expect us to put up 40? Things could've been different if we avoided penalties, if Thrash makes the catch at the end of the game, if Moss doesn't drop the ball on the slant late. Don't forget we have undersized WRs, that doesn't help when you want to create a physical mismatch to pressure the outside of the field.

JC has great potential and Zorn will bring it out. His development and the development of Thomas & Kelly will put is in good position gong forward into 2009. Unfortunately early-mid 2008 will be a challenge. If we manage 9-7 this season and show improvement in the offensive execution late in the season to me will it will be a successful one.
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Old 09-06-2008, 04:38 PM   #213
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
I just got done watching the game (I love DVR). While I understand any loss is frustrating, you guys who are bashing JC and going down the "lacks intellect" & "can't read defenses" road are flat out wrong. Football is a team sport and while a QB can definitely lose a game by himself, that was not the case on Thursday.

I would challenge any of you bashing JC to sit down, watch an NFL game, and guess what coverage is being called on each play (BTW you won't have 300 lbers trying to rip your head off while doing it). I'll bet you won't make the correct call more than 40-50% of the time, less against Spags' defense. He's a very good DC who disguises coverages well.

For the most part JC made the right reads and decisions. He missed Cooley early (threw to Betts on the screen as Matty pointed out). He made a bad throw to Moss deep (underthrown). Other than that he looked solid in his decsion making. WRs needed to be smarter in finding the 1st down marker, penalties put us in 2nd-3rd and long several times. On those 3rd & longs don't you think a good DC is going to cover deep (rhetorical). Would you rather JC force the ball deep into coverage and turn it over?

Let's look at things realistically: JC didn't turn it over, we were in the game throughout, and in a new offense there will be penalties and missed assignments by all players, that needs to be correct by all. We faced one of the better defenses and top DCs in the NFL with a new HC and new offense. Did you guys expect us to put up 40? Things could've been different if we avoided penalties, if Thrash makes the catch at the end of the game, if Moss doesn't drop the ball on the slant late. Don't forget we have undersized WRs, that doesn't help when you want to create a physical mismatch to pressure the outside of the field.

JC has great potential and Zorn will bring it out. His development and the development of Thomas & Kelly will put is in good position gong forward into 2009. Unfortunately early-mid 2008 will be a challenge. If we manage 9-7 this season and show improvement in the offensive execution late in the season to me will it will be a successful one.
Thanks for saying this. I can't agree with you anymore. It makes alot of difference when you have a DVR or Tivo. I rewind and watch the game over to see things to better evaluate. The first time you watch it live you might not catch everything. You might not see that the receivers are covered you dont take into account the penalties. You dont take account drop balls and how the defense is playing. JC couldn't get into a rhythm between the offside penalties..the drop balls. No separation from receivers..poor o-line play.. All that needs to be considered. He didn't throw INTs he didn't fumble and he didn't force anything. The team as a whole played bad. Also some bad play calling. So all the blame cannot go on JC.
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:07 PM   #214
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Campbell scored a 14 the first time he took the Wonderlic and a 28 the 2nd time. Still, it's a little offensive that some seem to be insinuating he's not smart enough to play.
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:33 PM   #215
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by prinzeofmoval View Post
Okay so we can't be mad for him getting jammed up look at Brett, Tony and Tom last year. The had a miserable time and Jason is no where in their league. But he doesn't have the killer instinct that we need in a quarterback. I don't see Ben, Peyton, Brady, Favre or even Mcnabb and Romo in him. We need that fire to put us over the hedge.
How would you quantify killer instinct and/or fire? More to the point, what does Campbell have to do to show that he's got killer instinct and fire similar to Brady or Favre?
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:54 PM   #216
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I hate people that bash JC and call for Colt.....I mean those people need to get hit by a bus.
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:37 AM   #217
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
I just got done watching the game (I love DVR). While I understand any loss is frustrating, you guys who are bashing JC and going down the "lacks intellect" & "can't read defenses" road are flat out wrong. Football is a team sport and while a QB can definitely lose a game by himself, that was not the case on Thursday.

I would challenge any of you bashing JC to sit down, watch an NFL game, and guess what coverage is being called on each play (BTW you won't have 300 lbers trying to rip your head off while doing it). I'll bet you won't make the correct call more than 40-50% of the time, less against Spags' defense. He's a very good DC who disguises coverages well.

For the most part JC made the right reads and decisions. He missed Cooley early (threw to Betts on the screen as Matty pointed out). He made a bad throw to Moss deep (underthrown). Other than that he looked solid in his decsion making. WRs needed to be smarter in finding the 1st down marker, penalties put us in 2nd-3rd and long several times. On those 3rd & longs don't you think a good DC is going to cover deep (rhetorical). Would you rather JC force the ball deep into coverage and turn it over?

Let's look at things realistically: JC didn't turn it over, we were in the game throughout, and in a new offense there will be penalties and missed assignments by all players, that needs to be correct by all. We faced one of the better defenses and top DCs in the NFL with a new HC and new offense. Did you guys expect us to put up 40? Things could've been different if we avoided penalties, if Thrash makes the catch at the end of the game, if Moss doesn't drop the ball on the slant late. Don't forget we have undersized WRs, that doesn't help when you want to create a physical mismatch to pressure the outside of the field.

JC has great potential and Zorn will bring it out. His development and the development of Thomas & Kelly will put is in good position gong forward into 2009. Unfortunately early-mid 2008 will be a challenge. If we manage 9-7 this season and show improvement in the offensive execution late in the season to me will it will be a successful one.
I think we need to cut and paste this response every time someone makes a "oh crap this team sucks", "JC sucks, put in Colt", or "we got blown out by the Giants" comment. Good points and very well thought out response.
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Old 09-07-2008, 09:07 AM   #218
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post

Let's look at things realistically: JC didn't turn it over, we were in the game throughout, and in a new offense there will be penalties and missed assignments by all players, that needs to be correct by all. We faced one of the better defenses and top DCs in the NFL with a new HC and new offense. Did you guys expect us to put up 40? Things could've been different if we avoided penalties, if Thrash makes the catch at the end of the game, if Moss doesn't drop the ball on the slant late. Don't forget we have undersized WRs, that doesn't help when you want to create a physical mismatch to pressure the outside of the field.

JC has great potential and Zorn will bring it out. His development and the development of Thomas & Kelly will put is in good position gong forward into 2009. Unfortunately early-mid 2008 will be a challenge. If we manage 9-7 this season and show improvement in the offensive execution late in the season to me will it will be a successful one.
Very good points. It seems that people are expecting JC to be a finished product since he's entering his 4th season. The expectations were driven by Coach Gibbs saying this was a playoff team when he left. Well, maybe he was right if the continuity that Snyder espoused had really been the case, but bringing in a rookie head coach with a new offense is not continuity. So there was no opportunity on us to build from last year.

I thought JC was nervous early, but he made some solid throws. As for the underneath stuff on third down, I put the blame more on the receivers and the offense, the WCO is designed for short throws and yards after the catch. So its more the blame of the FO for bringing in a coach and system that doesn't play to the strength of the franchise qb we're trying to develop.

Its a rebuilding year, with a rookie head coach learning on the job. I don't think the record matters as much as seeing some progression. 1 game in, I'm not ready to say JC is anything but our quarterback. The obsession with Colt, well backup qbs always get love in DC. Brunell-Ramsey, Brunell-Campbell, heck even Schroeder-Williams and Schroeder-Rypien.
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Old 09-07-2008, 10:15 AM   #219
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I don't believe I could have said it any better than what Slingin Sammy 33 did. The expectations with some Redskins fans are way unrealistic. We all have to remember that our passing attack has been changed to the West Coast Offense. The passing attack is very tough to smooth out and perfect. It's just not about dropping back and waiting for a receiver to come open. It's timing, throwing to spots instead of receivers, and precision route running.

I do think Campbell looked lost out there. He's clearly holding onto the ball too long. But, these things are going to take time. Jim Zorn knows this. Jason Campbell knows this. We should know that and understand that as well. Sure, we all want our team to do well and to win every ball game. What real Redskins fan would not want this? What I do expect is for Jason Campbell to improve as the season progresses. This might be a losing season for the Redskins, I hope not! But, it's all about progression for Jason Campbell and his receivers. If Campbell hasn't improved at all, go with someone else. But, I think Jason is much too smart and talented of a QB to not learn this offense and get comfortable. I trust that Jim Zorn is going to bring Campbell along slowly in this offense, and you guys should just be patient.
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Old 09-07-2008, 10:52 AM   #220
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Come on now? What are the realistic expectations? These guys are professional athletes... they get paid MILLIONS to play football and that's it. I know we can't win every game but we really can't even produce?
But someone please explain to me what realistic expectations are? Shouldn't we expect to win? Or at least have some production on offense?
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Old 09-07-2008, 11:10 AM   #221
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Campbell scored a 14 the first time he took the Wonderlic and a 28 the 2nd time. Still, it's a little offensive that some seem to be insinuating he's not smart enough to play.
I believe it was a 14, 27 & 28. I'm also glad to see I'm not the only one who finds it offensive that people keep insulting his intellect.
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:14 PM   #222
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
I believe it was a 14, 27 & 28. I'm also glad to see I'm not the only one who finds it offensive that people keep insulting his intellect.
It takes 2-3 years to learn an offense. You see how Brett Favre had trouble when he went to the Jets ( I guess he's not intelligent either). Imagine JC having to go through that every year. People need to cut the crap and stop being so critical of JC without knowing all the facts or atleast trying to be students of the games and drop their biases and be realistic. Its the first freaking game!!
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Old 09-07-2008, 06:19 PM   #223
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by dmvskinzfan08 View Post
It takes 2-3 years to learn an offense. You see how Brett Favre had trouble when he went to the Jets ( I guess he's not intelligent either). Imagine JC having to go through that every year. People need to cut the crap and stop being so critical of JC without knowing all the facts or atleast trying to be students of the games and drop their biases and be realistic. Its the first freaking game!!

Farve won today.

The question about intellect goes to Campbell's ability to learn new systems.

I base my criticism primarily on his inability to increase on steady basis his QB rating.

If this were one game, people would not be upset, I believe. Going back to last year, he's lost five out of six games he finished, NOT counting the preseason this year.

Seems to be a pattern.

That's our concern, not the last game, the last 8-10 games, overall.

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Old 09-07-2008, 06:32 PM   #224
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by jgalecpa View Post
Farve won today.

The question about intellect goes to Campbell's ability to learn new systems.

I base my criticism primarily on his inability to increase on steady basis his QB rating.

If this were one game, people would not be upset, I believe. Going back to last year, he's lost five out of six games he finished, NOT counting the preseason this year.

Seems to be a pattern.

That's our concern, not the last game, the last 8-10 games, overall.

How is it a pattern when he won 5 of 8 games to start last year?

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Give it time people.
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Old 09-07-2008, 06:43 PM   #225
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Give it time people.

I think that is key.

Everyone should step back, let the season progress, see where we are at the end of the season not the beginning.

Time will tell.

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