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JC is not what I thought.

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Old 09-05-2008, 12:33 PM   #166
Uncle Phil
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by SUNRA View Post
Very true. Campbell will not run the ball and he certainly doesn't make his reads. But Zorn is the blame for underutilizing Cooley, Betts and Sellers in the offense. Where in the hell was Fred Davis to help with pass protection?
Fred Davis was inactive for yesterday's game. Even so, I think Yoder is the one who would be helping with pass protection, right?
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:33 PM   #167
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I thought that they didn't run the ball enough in the first half to stop the pass rush and then they ran the ball at the end when they should have definitely been passing.
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:41 PM   #168
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by mcarey032 View Post
I agree. They don't want him to make a mistake instead everything is criticized for what he doesn't do. They need to back off a bit and let him figure things out. If anything, the playcalling was suspect. I guess that the coaches don't really trust Jason Campbell to run the offense and there is no reason not to. He should have been running a no hurry offense, down by 2 scores with under 8 to go in the 4th quarter. Instead he was told to huddle up and they executed to running plays? They needed to huddle to say run right? There should be some blame on Zorn here because there wasn't enough urgency with the pacing at the end. The line played substandard and the receivers dropping balls doesn't help matters much.
They pretty much were running a "no hurry offense" lol!!

Zorn might even take a liking to that phrase, in JLC's latest blog he says that Zorn has never been a fan of the no huddle. When I read that I was thinking, 'are you a fan of not having enough time to score?'

At the end of the half & game, the O was just too slow.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:02 PM   #169
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Where is this revamped offense that we were supposed to see?

The play calling seemed just like Gibbs. Run, Run, Pass, and punt.


Pass, Run, Run, and punt.

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Old 09-05-2008, 01:18 PM   #170
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Redskin Warrior View Post turnovers, 1 sack against a great d-line, no help from the receivers I don't get how he was pathetic?

I agree. If he had thrown some ints. I could see this point. Maybe he is slwo with his devlier because the WR aren't open...or Defenders are breathing down his back..or The play calls sucked..Maybe a dropped ball here and there..

It wasn't his best performance. But the whole team stunk..and when that happens its on the coach...atleast Blache stepped up the D in the second half. We need to run the ball on first down and get something going instead of having this pass first philosophy.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:25 PM   #171
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by htownskinfan View Post
exactly,you hit the nail on the head,I've been cutting jc slack when hes been under a lot of pressure for not completing his passes,but how many times tonite did Eli make great throws when pressured? granted he did throw 1 int from the pressure,but he made plays.JC has got to be able to make plays when he's under pressure,{McNabbs done it his whole career}this is the nfl and rarely do you have the luxury of Tom Bradys protection

Oh lets fire him becaus ehe ran into a sack.. Myabe the O-line should have blocked his man better. They need to let Jason run a littl ebit to atleast to pick up a first down..instead of making him be staionary in the pocket all the time..I remember a few plays where he ran for first down last year. Now it's like Zorn wants him to stand still in the pocket. The wide receivers need to produce more seperation. JC needs to read the defenses better. But if nothing is there that's why he is goign to the receiver that is underneath. He dind't play great. But we can't pin all this on JC. The playcalling sucked. The WRs sucked. Everyone sucked besides the defense in the second half and brooks..
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:33 PM   #172
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Question. How many drives got killed by penalties? WRs and lineman dropping offsides. A couple of catches that could have been made. JC needs to improve on this quicker release. But these WRs need to run past the 1st down marker and learn to make some moves for seperation.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:58 PM   #173
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

the thread title shoul be JZ is not what I thought. This is some of the worst play calling I have ever witnessed. Here I thought we had a new innovative aggresive play calling coach and we get Gibbs v2. wow.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:02 PM   #174
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Somewhere Larry Michael's head is exploding, but this assessment from an unnamed NFL Executive in Redskin's Insider is dead on I think:

NFL Executive's Take on the Offense, Defense - Redskins Insider

The two throws Campbell looked best on were the only two deep shots he took at the very end of the game. That is why Gibbs drafted him, that is his strength. All this "he ran the WCO at Auburn his senior year" is BS. Like the guy says, he's Doug Williams he's not Steve Young. The Redskins (sorry, Vinny and Dan) made it such a priority to help Jason Campbell in their interview process but imported a system that didn't play to his strengths. You can give me the "it's only one game, give it time" thing, that's fine. I'll be happy to eat crow on this one, but let's get the opinions out there.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:07 PM   #175
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I think the numbers speak for themselves. Campbell got me 8.66 Yahoo fantasy points. Whereas Manning only had 8.27 points. So clearly Campbell is the better QB
That's an interesting stat. Eli didnt look too good in the 2nd half and I bet most of JC's points came at the end of the game when the Giants were in prevent. Looking at this game a day later, for as bad as the Skins got crushed in the 1st half they were still in the game. If they had been able to score 20 points they could have won this game. The Giants played a good game but not great. It reminded me of the game last year when the Skins were trouncing the Giants and it looked like TC was going to get the axe but the Giants found a way to come back and win and ultimately revive their season. For as bad as this game looked it was a game the Skins could have won.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:13 PM   #176
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by irish View Post
That's an interesting stat. Eli didnt look too good in the 2nd half and I bet most of JC's points came at the end of the game when the Giants were in prevent. Looking at this game a day later, for as bad as the Skins got crushed in the 1st half they were still in the game. If they had been able to score 20 points they could have won this game. The Giants played a good game but not great. It reminded me of the game last year when the Skins were trouncing the Giants and it looked like TC was going to get the axe but the Giants found a way to come back and win and ultimately revive their season. For as bad as this game looked it was a game the Skins could have won.
And you bring a good point. They could have won!
The G's are a pretty good scoring team. They obviously scored 16 points. Our D managed to get it together to give up FG's rather than TD's. You keep NFL teams to 16 each week, you are in position to win EVERY game.
BUT, you gotta' have a little O. J.C. and company will have to do their part.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:19 PM   #177
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Way too much disapointment.

Campbell is not fit for this offense. Let Zorn bring in a QB he wants and lets cut the cord on Campbell.

The shy has fallen because it will take us years just to get to back to average.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:23 PM   #178
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
And you bring a good point. They could have won!
The G's are a pretty good scoring team. They obviously scored 16 points. Our D managed to get it together to give up FG's rather than TD's. You keep NFL teams to 16 each week, you are in position to win EVERY game.
BUT, you gotta' have a little O. J.C. and company will have to do their part.
Yes. There is no way the O can essentially say to the D "we are only going to score 10 so dont let them get more than that." If the Skins could score 20 points in every game IMO they would win at least 3 out of 4.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:32 PM   #179
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Listening to the Doc show earlier, he brings a good point. He basically states (and we all saw it) for JC to be in the QB business this long and be "locking" onto one reciever is ..........a problem. And he needs to "take a step", to inspire the confidence that he is The Man.
I would like to see a little of Colt in him. As raw as he is, he is GOING to make something happen-FIRE. That "playmaker" look.
JC doesn't appear to have any improvisation. No escape and evade! No improvise, adapt, and overcome.
I DO NOT advocate a QB change, but I want to see urgency!!! Montana Magic in JC
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:33 PM   #180
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Paintrain View Post
I don't want to come across as a JC apologist, but a big part of those things (reading defense, not staring down receivers, checking down, making quick decisions) have to do with comfort in the offense. As last season progressed, we saw less and less of that as he grew comfortable in Saunders system. He TRUSTED that people would be where they were supposed to be so he didn't have to stare them down. You don't hear the criticisms from knowledgeable football analysts (Jaws, Aikman) saying Campbell doesn't read defenses well, that's a fan thing. They've all said he needs to be more comfortable and process things faster, AS DO ALL YOUNG QB. He's made fewer than 25 starts, look at his progression vs. others at a similar stage and the sky isn't falling as quickly as you think.
Paintrain what does "process things faster" mean to you? To me it means being able to read a D scheme pre-snap, making adjustments/audibles if necessary then once the ball is snapped having the ability to check down to your second option if your primary guy is covered. My bad buddy but the fact that you dismiss my observations as a "fan thing" is alil arrogant on your part because you are no more an expert than I am. I like JC and have confidence in him, I just want to see him improve on these areas that many have been harping on aswell.

ps - zorn after the game also said JC locks onto his primary receiver too long, he must have read my email. lol

go skins!!!
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