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Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

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Old 10-18-2007, 11:29 AM   #1
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Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

Does anybody know anyone who works in the healthcare-finance world? Maybe for a hospital, physician practice, or insurance carrier?

Reason I ask is I have a position open that I need to fill, and the criteria are kind of tight, so I'm trying to expand the number of eyes that might see the opening. The position requires at least 5 years experience in finance, accounting, or a related discipline. At least 4 of those years need to be within the healthcare industry. And on top of that, HR is demanding an MBA. That really limits the pool of people I can look at, so anyway, just figured I'd see if anybody knew anybody. Figured it was worth a shot throwing it out here.

I'd prefer to consider non-MBAs as well, but HR won't let me. Ridiculous.

PS Mods, am I overstepping any site rules on this kind of stuff? I don't want to turn this place into Feel free to delete the thread if it's inappropriate.
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:02 PM   #2
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

No problem posting this Schneed.

I wish I lived closer I might throw my hat in for consideration.
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:30 PM   #3
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

OK good.

Yeah I figured I prob wouldn't get any nibbles here, since not too many live in the Philly area or are willing to relocate outside of the DC broadcast area (can't miss those games!). But worth a shot.
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:33 PM   #4
Redskin Rich
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
OK good.

Yeah I figured I prob wouldn't get any nibbles here, since not too many live in the Philly area or are willing to relocate outside of the DC broadcast area (can't miss those games!). But worth a shot.
Schneed... this is not my field... but maybe if you put the salary range etc, it may entice someone more literate than someone like me...
I really have nothing to say in this matter, please ignore the above post as blowing hot air.
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:35 PM   #5
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

Originally Posted by Redskin Rich View Post
Schneed... this is not my field... but maybe if you put the salary range etc, it may entice someone more literate than someone like me...

Salary range is wide, technically $54K - $101K. Why such a wide range? You got me, I really don't understand HR sometimes. Realistically, it's probably $70K - $80K.
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Old 10-18-2007, 01:23 PM   #6
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Does anybody know anyone who works in the healthcare-finance world? Maybe for a hospital, physician practice, or insurance carrier?

Reason I ask is I have a position open that I need to fill, and the criteria are kind of tight, so I'm trying to expand the number of eyes that might see the opening. The position requires at least 5 years experience in finance, accounting, or a related discipline. At least 4 of those years need to be within the healthcare industry. And on top of that, HR is demanding an MBA. That really limits the pool of people I can look at, so anyway, just figured I'd see if anybody knew anybody. Figured it was worth a shot throwing it out here.

I'd prefer to consider non-MBAs as well, but HR won't let me. Ridiculous.

PS Mods, am I overstepping any site rules on this kind of stuff? I don't want to turn this place into Feel free to delete the thread if it's inappropriate.
Actually, I do know of someone. He is currently employed by Hospital Corp. of America (HCA) in their finance dept. I'm sure you've heard of HCA (largest independently owned / operated private hospital chain?). Anyway, I believe he may be a CPA or something related, which would require a higher level of formal education (at least more than this lowly architect!). The only catch is he is here in Atlanta and has a family. But, you never know, big corps. like HCA probably have cutbacks all the time, so I'll definately pass this on to him as I'll see him tonight at my oldest son's football game. Good luck in your search Schneed!
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Old 10-18-2007, 02:43 PM   #7
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

So does that mean if someone comes in and is highly qualified and asks for 110K you'd tell them to take a hike?
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Old 10-18-2007, 03:05 PM   #8
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
So does that mean if someone comes in and is highly qualified and asks for 110K you'd tell them to take a hike?
Yer darn tootin'...especially if they do not have an MBA

Good luck Schneed. Unfortunately, the MBAs I know do not have any health-care related experience, nor do they want to relocate to your neck of the woods at this time.
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Old 10-18-2007, 10:30 PM   #9
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
So does that mean if someone comes in and is highly qualified and asks for 110K you'd tell them to take a hike?
I'd tell them I don't have the budget for them, and tell them good luck in their search. $110K is out of the approved salary range.

Managers gotta adhere to the budget, lest they encur the wrath of the CFO. And that's not a fun wrath.

If they were extremely highly qualified, and someone I wouldn't want to let get away at least without a fight, I'd probably make an offer I thought was fair, even if it comes in a little lower than their ask. It'd be worth a shot because some people start high on their ask, but are willing to come down from there. But in the end, I'd have to offer market value for their level of experience and education, and adhere to my budget.
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Old 10-19-2007, 10:13 AM   #10
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Re: Shot in the Dark - Job Opening

Originally Posted by Dlyne8r View Post
Actually, I do know of someone. He is currently employed by Hospital Corp. of America (HCA) in their finance dept. I'm sure you've heard of HCA (largest independently owned / operated private hospital chain?). Anyway, I believe he may be a CPA or something related, which would require a higher level of formal education (at least more than this lowly architect!). The only catch is he is here in Atlanta and has a family. But, you never know, big corps. like HCA probably have cutbacks all the time, so I'll definately pass this on to him as I'll see him tonight at my oldest son's football game. Good luck in your search Schneed!
Schneed10: I spoke with the guy I mentioned yesterday and he stated that he is still happy, and apparently secure, with his current position at HCA. He also added that he and his family love the 105 degree summers here in Atlanta as well. Sorry Schneed, but surely you'll be able to fill the position. Best of luck!
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