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Old 08-14-2005, 05:10 PM   #1
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Questions, questions...

I didn't get a chance to watch the game, so I wanted to ask a few questions to those of you who did (and especially those of you who taped it and watched it twice--c'mon! you know you're out there ).

1. So I gather Ramsey did not impress, but did he stare down receivers? Did he force bad throws? Or was it more about inaccuracy and jumpiness?

2. Did the O-line run any "stretch" plays? (Not so sure I would recognize that right off the bat, but maybe some of you did.) How did Ladell look? How about the run-blocking in general?

3. Did Williams bring his regular blitz package, or was this kinda like the Rams game last pre-season? My guess is we we're looking at som CB evaluation film last night. Also, how was the run defense?

4. How did specials look? Was kick-coverage better? How were returns? WHo won the punt/kick competitions?

5. How did Bowen look? HOw did the TEs look? Where was Cooley?

Hail from Houston!
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