Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
You guys should have been a part of my FB status I made. Sparked some serious My friend up up crushing this Romney supporter with his constant accusations of Obama being a socialist/marxist.
>> I know your grinning now because you got me, right? What about Romneycare you say? Yeah that is social health care as well. The big difference is not in either of those abominations but that while Romney is a big government guy he still believes in capitalism and this country whereas Obama believes in socialism and thinks American is bad.
There is no government in the entire world that is completely laissez-faire capitalism, except maybe Somalia because they don't have a government, and they're not exactly the picture of prosperity. This whole idea that Obama doesn't "believe" in capitalism is a sham. They are both about the same degree of capitalists, Romney just argues whatever point is most politically convenient for him at the time. They both voted for the auto bailouts, they both voted for TARP, etc. The biggest trick the GOP has ever pulled has been convincing everyone that they are small-government and pro-freedom (Patriot act anyone?) Every single GOP president in the last 40 years has seen huge increases in the Federal budget and the Federal deficit - especially Reagan, whose by today's Republican standards would be too far to the left to be electable - and in fact the only President who has seen a budget surplus was Clinton, a Democrat. Obama's annualized budget increase average for his first term is 1.7%. Reagan's first term was over 8%. Yet all the Republicans talk about is how Obama is a huge spender and ruining the economy with his massive debt. But whenever they are in charge the deficit and debt are never a problem, and the government never actually gets any smaller. The only difference is that the money gets spent on the military and blowing up brown people overseas, rather than on actually helping American citizens, or heaven forbid, returning that money back to the tax payers, which is what they always talk about doing.
No offense man, but all of your arguments are almost cut+paste Fox News sound bites which have no basis in reality. This is why I don't really bother to write huge posts like this in response to "conservatives" very often, because the right in this country has convinced people that logic and reason are liberal traits and undesired. Just trust them and vote GOP and they'll fix everything. So let me ask you, when was the last time we had a Republican president who actually did any of the things they said they were going to do?
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty