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New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

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Old 08-01-2012, 08:11 AM   #29
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
This law covers fountain soda...people buy fountains drinks out of convenience...we now restrict the consumption of soda at schools but kids can still bring their own soda.

These laws are designed to restrict your freedom all together but certain choices that are typically made on the whim. If we restrict the purchase of tobacco and alcohol because they are considered harmful it stands to reason you can restrict the consumption of high-fructose corn syrup (corn sugar?), which is quite unhealthy according to many.

Remember, you are still free to do as you fcking please in your quest to live an unhealthy, just don't get mad when the gov puts road blocks in your way.
2 things,
1) the law doesn't affect convenience stores, so the 7-11 note on big gulps isn't relevant

Originally Posted by OP Article
The proposal before the city Board of Health, the first of its kind in the nation, would limit servings of sugary drinks to 16 ounces (473 ml) at most restaurants, theaters, delis, vending carts and stadium concessions.


The ban would not apply to convenience, grocery or drug stores, which mostly sell beverages in bottles and cans, and it would exclude diet and dairy-based coffee drinks.
2) if a place like McD's sells all their sodas for $1, and you can go back and refill as often as you like inside, then this becomes a very random law. Would the law require places like McDs to move the dispenser back behind the counter?
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