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Redskins Have Not Had Success On Drafting Quarterbacks

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Old 02-18-2012, 02:17 AM   #11
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Re: Redskins Have Not Had Success On Drafting Quarterbacks

Originally Posted by skins89moss View Post
The point I was making is the Redskins over the years have won with free agent quarterbacks rather than draft the so called franchise quarterback. The last great Redskins quarterback to be drafted was Mark Rypien who lead us to a Super Bowl victory. Why is it that during our numerous coaching changes we never have found the so called franchise QB. We have had really bad teams in the past 20 years which means we did have high picks. Is this franchise capable of selecting our quarterback in this years draft? I like Mike Shanahan as our coach and he will need time to make this team a winner. So lets not blame Mike for our failures in drafting a franchise quraterback, this is been going on way to long.
That's right.

Look, it doesn't do a lot of good to look back at the past and let it shape the future. But there is a lesson in this thread, and that lesson was that if you think the Redskins drafting a quarterback in the first round and hoping that guy would make all their other personnel decisions look good would represent the new way of doing stuff, that's not really the case. It would be more like the same thing the Redskins have been doing since 1994.

1st round QBs drafted by the Redskins since 1991: 3
1st round QBs drafted by the Packers since 1991: 1
1st round QBs drafted by the Patriots since 1991: 1

Number of QBs drafted by the Redskins since 1991 who are currently in pro football: 2
Number of QBs drafted by the Packers since 1991 who are currently in pro football: 4
Number of QBs drafted by the Patriots since 1991 who are currently in pro football: 4

Contrary to popular belief, the teams with the best quarterback play in the NFL do not typically invest the most draft value into quarterbacks. If they dabble in the first round, they typically do it only once.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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