Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33
Keep in mind, I'm stating how I think the Rs will attack Obama on National Security, not that I think it's the best way to go. Precisely because of some counter-arguments that are opened up, specifically like the one you just mentioned.
If it's me running the R campaign, I give credit to Obama for success against Al Qaeda and mention that he's taken plays from the conservative playbook in the War on Terror....and I make it a point to call it that, I point to defense cuts, and point to his limited foreign policy experience in 2008. Then I quickly move on to the poor economy, tax & spend, etc.
True....sidenote with GOP candidates, Im glad Cain is coming back and showing good numbers, not cause i agree with what he is saying, but since the beginning hes been the only one offering tangeble solutions to issues. I thought the R would lean towards more style than substance with with Bachman and Perry. I think that really says people are listening and expecting real solutions this time. So this should wake up the Rs as well as Obama. Its a good sign.