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Old 05-05-2005, 03:08 AM   #1
The Starter
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Does character count?

The news in the NFL this week has been dominated by Owen's holdout/trashing his teammates and Winslow's cycle shenanigans. Two morons doing moronic things.

IS anyone (especialy those in the Brown's or Eagles' front offices) surprised?

Didn't Owens bitch about his pay and trash teammates in S.F.? Didn't KW2 look and act like a spoiled brat trouble maker in college? Don't teams give psych tests or talk to former teammates or coachs? It seems like teams never look into a person character before they hire them or worse they think that just moving to a new city will magically change a screw up.

This is a team sport perhaps more than any other sport. Here are the Eagles in the SB last year and is there any stories about their chances this year or their draft picks. No its all about TO. If you don't think one bad attitude in a locker room can mess up a team you dead wrong.

Granted a few times a guy turns his life around. Chris Carter comes to mind. However for every C.C. there is a T.O., KW2, Randy Moss, and Lawerence Phillips. These guys are thrown second and third chances and in my mind it is no surprise they have or will screw it up. There were people on this forum who said the skins should make a run at TO or Randy Moss to solve our WR woes. I was like NO WAY. I wouldn't care if it was an automatic 120 catchs a year the downside is still to great. And I think there are 2 teams who are figuring that out and 1 (Raiders) who will this year.
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