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Big Al suspended for the remainder of season

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Old 12-07-2010, 05:41 PM   #11
GhettoDogAllStars's Avatar
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Re: Big Al suspended for the remainder of season

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Not quite. They kept him purely because of the money involved, and example it would have shown had they did so. You don't give a man 21 million dollars (after asking him over and over if he was going to cooperate) and then cut him without him giving money back. That's exactly what he wanted. You also don't trade him for unless he gives money back for the exact same reason. Listen to Shanny and read between the lines. Hell, he was direct about it. He flat out said that AH wasn't going anywhere (released or traded) unless he was willing to give some of that money back.

Shanny is smart and knows what he's doing. The players hate AH and for the coach to let this douche bag to get his way, it would have open the floodgates for the rest of the idiots in the league to do the same thing. You mean I can get paid upfront money, act like a douche bag, get cut/traded and get more money? WHERE DO I SIGN UP AT? This way, he sits at home and rots.
Your argument doesn't work because "they" didn't give him the money. Just because AH was paid by Vinny/Snyder then cut by Shanahan/Allen, doesn't mean that Shanahan/Allen would pay a player then cut them. The trick is to avoid paying the player in the first place, and only Vinny and Snyder are to blame for that. I have confidence in Shanahan and Allen to find committed players and pass on the slouches.

And, I don't think Shanahan or Allen care about the money.
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered.
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