Originally Posted by Longtimefan
30gut: I'll attempt to calrify my post because it would appear your respone reflects a misrepresentation of what was actually stated.
Nowhere did I state he's going to be learning anything from JaMarcus, therefore your asking: "why would I assume" does not represent what was stated. What I did say was that in response to a reporters question, Jason made the statement about learning from him which was stated in the quotation.
You got some revisionist history going on bro here is your post:
Originally Posted by Longtimefan
Jason Campbell, in response to media questions said "he's going to try and learn as much as he possibly can" from JaMarcus Russell. I wonder just what it is he expects to learn? Jason learning from him may very well find himself in his same predicament.
Notice how YOU inserted the word 'from JaMarcus Russel after the quote?
Then later you refer directly to Jason learning from JaMarcus.
Originally Posted by Longtimefan
I'll stand by the reported statement even though at the time I read it, I had no intention of linking it in the post and don't remember exactly what site the report came from.
Relax, i just wanted a link so i could read it for myself as i plan to follow what happens with JCam's post Redskin career.