Originally Posted by Ruhskins
So after his third year he still making the same mistakes? Once again, not to knock on his talent, but my whole deal is with his seemingly lack of discipline. Granted, he's no Pacman Jones or anything like that, but his attitude towards the game such as...against the Giants, seemingly more preoccupied with getting payback on Brandon Jacobs rather than actually playing the game; consistently going after the big hit (and missing miserably), again the late hit penalties, etc., etc. It appears that he changed a bit towards the end of the season, but I think he needs to get his attitude in check.
'06 was ST's worst year, it also happened to be his 3rd year. Landry is still very young, I think he could improve immensely.
I think your description could have described Landry last year or Taylor in '06. To the "t".