Originally Posted by GMScud
Agreed fully. I've been beating that drum in my conversations about this with friends/family in recent days. If you want to be promiscuous, be my guest. But why be so damn fake? He and Elin haven't been married that long, and he's been fooling around for at least 3 years, probably more. Why enter into a marriage, exchange vows, and have children knowing full well you're going to be unfaithful?
Why do you say Tiger is being fake? And who are we to say that he didn't exchange vows from the bottom of his heart. I find that sort of absurd.
True, if you WANT to be promiscuous, don't get married. Agreed. But isn't it entirely possible that Tiger had no intentions to cheat on his wife? Isn't it possible that he still loves her? I just don't like the judgement being hurled at Woods like he's the scum of the earth all of a sudden. Yes, it's a horrible thing to be unfaithful to your spouse - it really is. But it's amazing to me how he's fallen from grace in the eyes of so many because of infidelity and a moral weakness.
I am in no way trying to demean or undermine the instition of marriage by my reasoning, because I'm not. I just don't appreciate how he's being demonized and judged - especially when we don't live in Tiger Woods' shoes.