Originally Posted by mlmdub130
were you reading here or on redskins.com? cause amazingly i think we have won over even the best of you guys here, and how coulds you not want to be a part of this, it takes no acountabilty(no one will know it was you) unlike other guys we actually are doing something about it, we also did the research checked the prices made sure wecould do it checked with lawyers and are doing some thing about it, granted it's not the greatest idea ever but i do beleive it is the best one ever borught up on this website(if not hook me up smootsmack) and by the way i've been drinkin tequilla all night watching the WVU game and typing on a wireless keyboard with dying batteries and i'm pretty surre in this long ass post i have less typos than you, but bottoms up bro, hail!
I don't know how true it is that you have "won over" anyone. Seems like most people's opinions have stayed the same through this thread. Granted there is a lot of discontent, and you give an outlet for that. But I don't see a lot of posts that say, wow, I thought this was stupid, but now I think its a great idea.
Feel free to count me as one who sees this as a bad idea.