Originally Posted by That Guy
yeah, and there were people here that weren't happy with either arch or lloyd. as far as trung, he got paid nothing and was brought in because spurrier said he wanted a fast back, and that was the fastest FA available at the time, so that's not really a big deal. saying that the FO gets no blame is nuts though... where were you during lloyd/arch/etc? the FO got attacked pretty consistantly, and i've always thought their miss rate on big money FAs was WAY too high (hitting 50% of 30mill+ contracts IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH). but they've been drafting fairly well and they avoided bad signings this offseason too.
In Slingin Sammy Baugh's post he blamed Saunders for Lloyd and GW for Arch. Those are coaches, my point was that the FO should be blamed since they bring in the players, not the coaches who said "I want this guy or that guy." No, the FO brings these guys in, they are responsible for scouting, so they should rightfully take the blame.
And you're right, 50% of high profile signings is not good enough (our win loss record shows that) but they avoided bad signings this offseason. Let's see how long it takes Redskin One to leave the tarmac next offseason...