Originally Posted by SC Skins Fan
When you're famous and you make a lot of money you can be a target. We'll find out, but it is a possibility. I'd say it probably reflects on the individual who would perpetrate such a crime rather than on Taylor, who from everything I've seen in the past few years has really become a mature and upright individual. He had some problems early, as every story on this incident has taken the time to mention, but I was very impressed on the few occasions I heard him speak. He had a great understanding of the game and seemed like a very intelligent person besides. Still, your point has some validity and I'd hope that the Miami-Dade police would have that guy who was involved in the earlier case with the ATVs and the lawsuit in for questioning right now.
Yeah, it's a frightening, disturbing thought but a valid one. Unfortunately, it can be hard to escape the past. Hopefully, Sean leaves South Florida. It is bad news in the Miami area.