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Grand Jury Indicts Vick

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Old 07-19-2007, 08:50 AM   #11
You did WHAT?!?
EARTHQUAKE2689's Avatar
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Re: Grand Jury Indicts Vick

Originally Posted by PSUSkinsFan21 View Post
Ok, let's review. As of the time I wrote my last post, your first four posts on this thread, actually, your first four posts since becoming a member of this site were as follows:

Post 1: “WOW!!! if we can indict vick then.....
can we indict bush on murder charges as well??”

Post 2: “i don't believe a word a fed or cia agent says....there all scum”

Post 3: “meaningless huh? oh sorry for that.....i didn't know people cared more about the life of their dogs than the lives over in iraq....but i guess if you don't see it than no harm huh.........sorry but i disagree with you, ain't nowhere to go but down from here buddy

its funny how americans thinking pattern goes when it comes to pets......if only we thought the same way for humans....thanxs for the welcome anyway, go skins!!”

Post 4: “its not just the war buddy, its the way we treat dogs as equal and sometimes better than humans!! it sickens me how we get up in arms when something like this happens, but what about darfur? hell what about the homeless and less fortunate living here in america!?!? we put dogs in $500 spas, buy $200 dollar outfits etc. i just wish i could ship some of these peta people across the ocean to see what life is really like for most of world....and i have 3 dogs so its not about me hating dogs at all........
.....and after what the CIA did to the black panthers, how can i believe anything those scumbags say (sorry if there is grammer or spelling errors Mr. PSUSKINSFAN21, i'm on summer break and i could give a rats ass for a spelling check, just like most of the other people on this site from what i read) this AIN'T english the AIN'T”

Trust me, your opinions have nothing to do with the fact that I assumed you were in junior high......rather, the content and tone of your posts did. What's worse is that you come on here and continually ignore the advice/instructions of the long-time members of this site to take your political opinions to the "parking lot" (it is a real place on this site, believe it or not). You see, it's obvious to me that from your first four posts you have a political agenda that you want to express. And however misguided that political agenda may be, there is still a forum available to you to express's just not on this thread. Want to avoid attacks? Then don't come onto this site all guns blazing and ignoring people who tell you to keep the off-topic discussion to a minimum.

That said, unless you are currently going to OSU or are an OSU alumni, I fail to see how your comment should matter to me at all.

Finally, in closing (as to post #2), a number of my current and former colleagues are/were federal prosecutors or "feds" as you like to lump them all together. These are decent, hard-working people who certainly do not deserve to be called "scum" by the likes of you.

Ah Deja Vu all over again. But seriously take the advice DL that the vets are giving you. If I didnt I wouldnt be here now.

Shameless self-promotion. It is what it is.
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