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The Official Thank You Mark Brunell Thread

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Old 11-15-2006, 04:28 AM   #29
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Re: The Official Thank You Mark Brunell Thread

Im sorry...but, When you change the offensive system like that I guess mark Brunell is gonna struggle against the what the experts say toughest division in football right now! I mean he struggled in his first year under gibbs and then had a great second year, then all of a sudden Snyder wants to go out and fix something that isnt really broke by bringing in Al Saunders!?!? Diss Brunell all you want but when Quick slick draw Snyder decides to bring in another offensive coordinator or whatever, were gonna be criticising campbell like we were eating ramsey up! If it isnt broke...DONT TRY AND FIX IT! In my opinion Al Saunders should still be in K.C. This team would be 14-2 if we would of kept Joe Gibbs system and stop trying to teach a new offense every year to the quarterbacks! Switching the Offensive system every year didn't work in High School, Definatly does not work in College And I highly doubt it will work in the NFL!

Im not Outraged at the decision to start Campbell, But I think its too late we barley gave him any p.t. in the preseason, and Al "conservative Im just here for the fat ass check" Saunders Has a Air Arsenal (my cowboy fan friend agrees) and HE WONT USE IT Throw down the damn Field!, And Hell no Collins won't be the Number 2 QB are you crazy Mark Brunell is as capable of winning games as Farve is. Now I got a question CAN OUR LINE BLOCK FOR Campbell!?!?!? If they Protect him like they were protectin Hasselbeck when we lost ramsey under spurrier then we should be fine because they made Hasselbeck look like a damn star lol.

3-6 guys 3 of those games won by the quarterback were kicking to the Curve, 1 of those games where he threw one to Moss and we won the game! Sorry Im not as in love with J.C. as you all are, Im just weighing the facts, hes no Doug Williams, Doug williams had played in the nfl before when we started him.......Honestly We don't get off on pure talent like our rivals the cowboys. I do however see J.C. Being great next year and I know this is gonna get me grilled but....I don't see portis as the future for the ground game on this team...Betts has been stepping up! Ugh.. I hope Campbell lives up to the love your giving him...Im sick of being let down by these overhyped players like Farceletta! lol
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