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How Can We Improve?

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Old 03-31-2006, 07:06 PM   #1
Uncle Phil
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How Can We Improve?

I posted this on the Front Office Changes thread but I'll start a new thread here.

Every one of us on both sides of the Mod fence understand that there is nothing more important than providing Redskins fans with the best coverage of their beloved team. It is something we have consistently strived to do, unfortunately I think all the moderators can agree we have let our personal pride take over what is best.

Throughout the day we have continued working behind the scenes trying to resolve this issue, even while sadly slinging mud in public. This behavior is not typical of any of us and is of no good to any of you.

At this point our differences amongst the mods are simply too far apart. However, we have agreed that the best decision is not for any of us to decide. We're going to let the people decide and "settle the score" as it were. Let's not continue with the namecalling in this thread, let's hear from all of you now. What do you want? What's missing? What's good?

Now is the time for all of you to step up and tell us why you keep coming back to this site. But more importantly, what you want to see that will encourage you to come back more often, participate more, and tell your friends about it.

And hopefully we can resolve these petty differences and work together to create the best site for everyone.

So tell us what you want.

This thread is not to discuss what differences the mods have. We should not have posted that in the first place. This thread is meant to get suggestions about the site. We know this is a great site, but specifically tell us why. And tell us how it can be greater.

This site belongs to all of you, so let your voice be heard
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