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Scared To Win!

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Old 11-20-2005, 07:41 PM   #1
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Scared To Win!

Here's the problem in a nut shell, Gibbs will do whatever it takes to keep a team in the game, he coaches scared, all I heard all week long is how well our running game is in short yardage, and how Gibbs made the right call's on our last possession last week, believe whatever you want, the fact is he's been hyping Portis as a between the tackle RB, yet in the first quarter on 4th and inches on the raiders 40 he punt's, when our defense has not allowed the raiders to remotly move the ball up until that time, THAT'S RIGHT PUNT'S! I guess talk is cheap the fact is he has no confidence in our ability to run the ball 4 inches in the opposing teams territory, there's our big time running game! What's the excuse now, it was to early in the game to take a chance, that's a very scary word for Gibbs, CHANCE, along with RISK, and AGGRESIVE, not in his vocabulary.

Turnovers will not be tolerated, well unless your last name begins with a P, or a B.

Jacobs showed today he doesn't have the speed to run past defenders, or size to out position them. Yes Bailey said he's one of the toughest player to cover, but when was the last time Champ actually covered someone?

Until Gibbs get's the killer insticnt back we will continue to spin our tires as a team.

Portis= 50 mil. I prefere his latest name, dollar bill, now there is a name I can associate Portis running abilities with!
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