A prayer to the injury football gods
Dear football gods, thanks for the Dallas win. I know I promised you that if we somehow won that game, that I would not ask you for anything else all season. I know that I told you that if we could just beat those damn Cowboys, on that one occassion, that I would not bitch and moan about another football related game all year. Ive kept my end of the bargain. We are now 7 weeks into the season, and Im happy with how my team has done irregardless of how we end the season. SOOOOO, technically, Im really not asking for anything, and I thank you for smiling upon my beloved Skins. But, if you are feeling generous, I will ask for one thing, and its not a win: Please, Please, Please keep the Skins injury free. We are as thin as wet toilet paper at certain positions (offensive line) and, well, we don't use the best judgment sometimes (Moss in as punt returner for ANY game is DUMB, DUMB, DUMB). If we lose Moss, we are in big, big trouble. If we lose any of our offensive lineman, its gonna really hurt our offense. So, football gods, my only small request is that the Skins stay relatively healthy as a team, and if that occurrs the rest will fall into place. Thanks for listening.
Last edited by paulskinsfan; 10-25-2005 at 11:43 AM.