Originally Posted by 44Deezel
Who's to blame for the meh drafts, free agent busts and the Cousins contract screw up? Where's the proof that Scot is somehow indispensable and all hell will break loose if he departs?
I like the idea of a competent "football guy" GM as much as the next Skins fan, but what exactly has Scot done? And what IF he's a mess personally and can't keep his act together?
All Skins fault? I don't get the sense this is the total dumpster fire the media is making it out to be. They have an axe to grind, because they're being kept out of the loop.
I love your optimism, and normally I'm one of the more optimistic cats in burgundy and gold, but the truth is, this has disaster written all over it. I don't think it's coincidence that Scot McCloughan comes in and suddenly the team is winning 8 or 9 games and making the playoffs. McCloughan has been around three successful transitions of teams from poor to fantastic. He knows how to bring in the right guys and he knows the correct way to build through the draft. You also can't judge a draft after one season. It takes a few seasons to really get a good idea how good or bad that draft really was. And least we also remember that in the past, Scot McCloughan's players tend to last longer in the NFL than players drafted by any other GM, so that tells you something of the magnitude of talent McCloughan can bring to the scouting department. When he gets the axe, you're going to see it then.
We do not want Bruce Allen governing over player acquisitions.