A different FedEx Field!!
Today's game vs. Seattle was something special for all those Skins' fans who were there. I have been going to games at FedEx field since the stadium opened in 1997. Sunday's game was the loudest it has ever been at that stadium!! It was so great to hear all of that noise after we were called "bush league" for making to much noise. As I left my seat and headed out to the main hallway on the main level the fans were still cheering in there and it was so loud that you could not talk to the person next to you. This was something I have never experienced at FedEx field. The employees were screaming and yelling as we exited the stadium and fans were cheering all the way to their cars. The emotion by the fans during that game was certianly something special and I can honestly say that hearing that cheering after I left my seat and just enjoying the moment at the end of the game almost brought me to tears. It was the greatest moment I have ever experienced as a Redskins fan. These fans are truely something special and we are one family, which was stated on the monitor as the Redskins were being introduced. I have never been more proud to be a Redskins fan and these moments will live on in Skins' fans memories forever.