Originally Posted by Hog1
Will you please explain the importance of draft position and results on the field?
I think you will find our secondary was voted most popular with the league QB's who can chuck the rock over 50 yards. No doubt their guy would not be covered by our guy. Perhaps the coaches forgot to tell them "HEY! when that Cheetah looking dude blows by you like 80 mph.....don't forget to follow him!!! Sadly we all to often....forgot
BTW....did you see any Skins games this year? You may have noticed Hall was not in there or is that coaching as well?
Clark is at least a year or two to late....and slow. Did I ask you if you watched any Skins games this year? Jury is still out on Amerson...but I have high hopes four him.
Breeland looks like the real deal.. very happy about that. Thomas is....totally a wait and see guy as he has not been healthy long enough to evaluate.
I noticed you failed to point out the instances where I suggested the unit was well coached. Why is that?
Did we discuss the part about relationship of draft position and results on the field? Let me help:
JEMARCUS RUSSEL.....to name a few
Look up "talent" and get back to me, ok? Are you denying the last ppl you name weren't talented? My point is so far over your head at this point, it's having to register its flight path with the FAA.