Originally Posted by KI Skins Fan
You're starting to worry me now, Matty. I never gave up on Paul because he has talent and he is a ST stalwart. But Rambo?! P-u-u-u-u-l-e-e-z! Not only can he not tackle at all but he doesn't play ST. He has little chance of surviving very long on the active roster, IMO.
When is the last time you saw any Redskins safety make two such pathetic attempts to tackle a player that resulted in in very long TD's in consecutive games?
I don't care if Haslett has defended Rambo, Gruden can't risk that happening again. Trust me on this one; he will be G-O-N-E, GONE from the active roster soon. Haslett might be able to talk Allen into keeping him on the PS.
You might not have given up on Paul but plenty of people did.