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Redskins Trademark cancelled

Locker Room Main Forum

View Poll Results: IF (If If If) the Redskins Name Changed, Your Choice Would Be?
Warriors 25 40.98%
Renegades 4 6.56%
Rebels 3 4.92%
Redtails 5 8.20%
Redhawks 6 9.84%
Bravehearts 5 8.20%
Washington FC 13 21.31%
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Old 06-23-2014, 11:24 PM   #11
FRPLG's Avatar
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Re: Redskins Trademark cancelled

Here's what I don't understand...and I am really trying to "get" this. It seems to me that the term simply is not offensive. It's not used derogatorially on any real basis and it seems when you ask a population of NAs the most dramatic opinion is one of support. There are a few NAs it seems driving this and they don't seem to have any real evidence that the term is offensive nor much real support in their community. Why is this so ignored? My gut tells me this...the term sounds like it SHOULD be offensive. Like a bunch of non-NAs hear the term and just assume "well that's offensive" and then some questionably motivated NA leaders say yes and now the debate is over in their eyes? What happened to discourse? No matter the final disposition this isn't a trivial discussion. An honest debate should be had. The media doesn't seem interested in that.
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