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Redskins Trademark cancelled

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View Poll Results: IF (If If If) the Redskins Name Changed, Your Choice Would Be?
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Old 06-19-2014, 11:58 AM   #9
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Re: Redskins Trademark cancelled

Originally Posted by over the mountain View Post
I just listened to Amanda Blackhorse and the Redskins trademark attorney on the junkies.

I am leaning towards the position that we need to change our name.

She said no native american calls each other the R word and that the largest Native American governing body calls the name disparaging and wants the name changed.

The redskins attorney radzoch (sp?) just sounded bad. He said while the term "redskin" may be disparaging in some contexts, you must view the word in the context that the football team is using it - honor.

when asked if he would call a native american a redskin to his face - he waffled and never answered.

If the largest governing body of Native Americans dont like it, if you wouldnt call a native american a redskin to his or her face and native americans dont call themselves redskin = disparaging.

Who are we as non-native americans to tell them what to think or feel or try and play spin doctor by saying we use the word with honor.

You want to honor native americans? honor their voice and change the name.

Pointing to historical context of the word from 1814 for justification of the use of the word in 2014 is grasping for straws.

In 2014:
The largest native American governing body wants it changed.
Native Americans dont call themselves the R word.
You wouldnt call a Native American a redskin to their face.

All that pride and honor and historical roots talk is just us telling native americans we know whats best for them more than they do for themselves. Thats a down right prejudicial and demeaning approach.
The question of would you call a native american a redskin to their face is so absurd. Only a dumb f u c k would come up with that question.

The guy should have responded "why should I call a native american a redskin to their face? The only reason to call a native american a redskins would be if he was on the football team. Contextually would not make sense because no one uses the term redskin other than to describe someone who plays for the franchise"
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