Originally Posted by Mattyk
Anyone have thoughts on Far Cry 3 or Dishonored? Trying to decide which one to pick up.
Far Cry 3. I can't say enough good things about this game. My only complaint is I never have enough time to play it during the week.
I played Far Cry 2 a couple years ago, and I thought it was okay despite the lack of fast travel points, the constantly respawning enemy checkpoints (making travel much longer) the annoying malaria that kicked in the middle of the gunfights and your gun constantly jamming due to wear and tear.
The good news is that Far Cry 3 has none of that. In fact, there isn't a single thing about Far Cry 3 that really annoys me so far, and I'm about halfway through the game. There's so much to do too, and it constantly keeps you on your toes because of the pirates and the wildlife that will attack you if you're not in a vehicle. And with fast travel spots all over the map, if you don't want to drive a long ways to a mission site or something it makes it super quick getting there.
Long story short, Far Cry 3 lives up to the hype, for me personally.