Originally Posted by Longtimefan
The bigger question is why does MS have to turn this thing around over night? Cerrato took 10 years to ruin this team and now whoever we bring in MUST turn this thing around over night? WTF? MS signed a 5 yr deal. In my opinion he has 5 yrs to get this thing fixed, or atleast get it heading into the right direction. If at the 5 yr mark the team is 75 to 100% better then resign MS and let him finish the job.
I'm sooo tired of the DC media and fans expecting over night success. Use your brains.... if it took 10 yrs to screw this thing up its going to take more then 1 or 2 yrs to straighten this thing out. Hopefully we do better then 8-8, but if we end up 8-8 I'll accept that because there is a lot of work to do. 9-7 and or better would be nice. As long as they are showing improvement individually and as a team.