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Updated Title: 8th Circuit Court Grants Stay, Lockout Reinstated

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Old 05-15-2011, 10:41 PM   #31
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Re: Updated Title: 8th Circuit Court Grants Stay, Lockout Reinstated

I just don't see the arguements people are making for the players. Sorry.

Players can't be replaced? Sorry, not a good arguement.... McNabb was replaced in Philli, Coach's get repaced all the time. Portis has been replaced, and S.Moss might be this year. The question is will the talent level be the same or will it get worse. Monitarily it might not be in the best decision, but players are cut or traded all the time.

Monopolies? I would accept this arguement had it been a few yrs ago, or if the NFL filed suit against any other football leagues, but they are not. The CFL is doing fine, There was a European League but they folded, the UFL has been running for how long now? No there is no monopolies. I'm just guessing but if all the players decided not to come back and decided to turn to the UFL, they might not get the money they had in the NFL but they would have jobs, and they would get some form of pay and I'm betting that after a few yrs they might also have paychecks close to what they are getting now. Because the fans would follow the players just to watch their favorite player play. So merchandise sales would go up for those teams enabling them to pay the players more. The NFL is not the "only" football league out there thus no monopoly. Yes they pay better then the rest but they are not the only one.

Showing of the books? The biggest arguement here is "if the owners are taking a loss then they should just open their books." I think it's easier to show then simply opening the books.... is your house worth as much as it was 5 yrs ago? I gaurantee not. If you own a business is it worth as much as it was 5 yrs ago, and have you not made less then 5 yrs ago? I'm not saying your not making money, I'm asking are you making as much or more then 5 yrs ago? Why do I ask? because the economy has tanked if you haven't known it. People are losing their homes because they can't sell them to pay off their loans. So your going to tell me that people are of the mind set to think "F- my house, but I'll pay for my season tickets"? "hey I can't make my mortgage payment, but I'm going to purchase a Jersay"? "hey I can't pay my bills but I'm going to load up on the food and beer at the park today"? I don't think so. I can tell you there is no way any of you will change my mind and make me believe the owners have not been taking in less money. Are they hurting? no, but the owners are taking in less money which effects their revenue sharing. Gas prices have gone up so I'm also sure the cost of flying players to other locations costs more now. Say all you want about the NFL being a money machine but the money machine needs funds to operate. See the Gov. was in a similar situation, ask the employees to take a pay cut, or shut down for 30 days? How they could say they don't have the money one day then the next say ok everything is fine is baffling. Somewhere they robbed Peter to pay Paul. Hopefully the NFL does not find itself in a similar situation. Players not giving the 1 billion to the owners and later the owners having to either move teams to better markets so the owners will not have to share as much with each other or shut down because they simply can't afford to keep operating.
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