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Redskins-Colts, Best and Worst

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Old 10-18-2010, 01:36 PM   #11
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Re: Redskins-Colts, Best and Worst

Without looking at all the other posts I sometimes like to write firs then see if my feelings were similarly posted.

I really don't want to get into all the negative stuff as in "worst" or "negatives" or anything like that. But I do want to point out some positive things...

1- For the last 12 yrs the Skins have been troubled to get over 20 points, and now they seem to be doing well at scoring over 20 pnts, or so it seems to me.

2- A friend of mine said the Skins actually look like an NFL team now, which follows Matty's ...the Skins are respectable now.

3- The last 2 yrs with 5 min. left in the game being down by 3 pts or 10 pts I would turn the channel knowing this team didn't have a chance, yet I find myself watching the whole game.

4- Believe it or not we are running with the big dogs. We kept the score close with Houston, beat the Eagles, pulled out a win against GB, and kept the game close against Indy. Oh did I mention we beat the SB bound Dallas Cowboys. lol.

5- The defense is not 100% perfect, but I find them more exciting now then they ever have been, well except for their SB yrs. I could care less about the stat yrds, the players look like they are having fun and they are really hitting people. Hopefully teams will be afraid to play us. The Skins are knocking out atleast 3-4 people per game. I'd rather teams be afraid to play against us vs. having the #4 ranked defense.

6- Hopefully the run game continues to get better.

I'm excited about this team. It's not that I'm expecting them to go to the SB cause I'm not, its just the fact that they are actually fun to watch.
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