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I'm Tired of Losing

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Old 08-29-2010, 11:39 PM   #1
The Starter
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I'm Tired of Losing

LOL, totally forgot to share this with you guys. I'll explain the whole story.

So this guy comes in with his wife a little after the first quarter started. You could tell he had been drinking, pretty fired up and continued to drink as the game went on. Everything was good till the fake punt, then he started harassing every Ravens fan in sight. Now I didn't mind because the Ravens fans he was harassing didn't know jack shit about the Ravens nor football alone, clearly the type of fan who just roots for a winner / should be soon champion.

After awhile though he started to get annoying, the more he drank, the dumber he sounded / louder he got. Would just start saying stupid random crap. Yelling where's Portis at on bad rushes, throw the jump ball, get TO, etc. Eventually a Redskins fan got involved and was like, what's a jump ball? Isn't TO signed? etc. Well the guy got pissed and was telling him he wasn't a real Redskins fan, especially after the guy said he thought we'd go 7-9.

He then turned around to another Redskins fan behind him and asked him if he thought we'd go 7-9. Guy straight up told him, don't talk to me, I'm here to watch the game and that's it. Really pissed the guy off. Then the guy who said we'd go 7-9 said he didn't care what the Redskins did, even if we went 4-11, clearly to just piss him off. Well the guy bit and was like, "I've been a fan for 46 years," bla bla bla. At this point his wife was looking at me rolling her eyes.

I can't remember what said him off, but all of a sudden you hear, "I'm leaving, **** this." Dude was ranting right next to me so I wasn't trying to record him like that and have him hit the camcorder, me or something else, so I waited till he was further away, but basically he kept repeating what he was saying in this video.

When he came in he wasn't too bad, but alcohol sure got him going:


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