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Center Position

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Old 03-07-2005, 11:17 PM   #1
The Starter
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Center Position

Just Curious, who do you guys think we are gonna let go (if anyone) at the Center position now that we have Rabauch. With the salary cap position we are in, I say we let Raymer go (and save 800k this year) and keep Freidman. Releasing Lenny would only save 700k this year, and he is more versatile than Raymer as far as being a backup.

Also, with the money we will save by trading Gardner (about 1.5mil), how much will we be under the salary cap given what we know now. Realistically, don't we have enough money to sweeten our deal with Smoot at least a little. I know that a lot of people may not think that Smoot is worth the money, or that we will be OK without him, but why should we allow a great defense to be broken up anymore than it has to be. Pierce is gone. Nothing we can do about that now. But if we keep Smoot, the defense is, in large part, the same defense next year. And, I don't know how many of you agree with me on this, but in my opinion Smoot is the heart and soul of the defense. Arrington is a star and a beast, Washington is both brainy and athletic, and I would run like hell the other direction if I saw Sean Taylor coming my way. But I tell you, every time I see Smoot lay a shoulder into someone, it gets by blood pumping. Smoot started out a cover guy, but now he is an inspiring force. He plays tough every play, and his personality and showmanship make him seem to me like the second coming of Darrell Green (NOTE: I AM NOT COMPARING THEIR TALENT LEVELS).

P.S. I just read that Smoot's agent's last name is COOKE. Come on, if thats not a sign he should stay a Skin for life, what is?
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