Originally Posted by internetcareer
Of course Landry has the speed to cover...however how many fast as lightening receivers have we seen come and go because they can't catch. Speed is great but it is only one small part otherwise track stars would be making the NFL by the dozens. If Landry would rather hit than cover, then why didn't our idiot coaches simply allow him to hit people coming out of the backfield instead of being 30 yards downfield. I guess I just answered my own question: because they were idiots and thats why Blache is retired and Zorn is working at Taco Bell or whatever.
Landry would rather hit than cover. However he can't cover, and when he gets the opportunity to hit, he torpedoes himself at the ball carrier rather than trying to tackle. Therefore- can't cover (hopefully he can be taught to cover by the new staff), and won't tackle. Big problem, no matter what position you're playing in the secondary.
When I mentioned Landry being fast, I was just pointing out that despite all that speed, he can't cover his eyes. His favorite Sunday brunch is pump fakes.