Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat
The problem I have with this is it makes all skins fans look like dellusional fools. I liken those involved in this project to religious extremists who engage in all manner of crazy behavior that only results in making all people who beleive in God seem like morons. The extreme and ridiculous manner in which they chose to spread their message marginalizes the belief itself. I agree with the underlying message mlm is trying to share - i beleive the redskins needed a complete overhaul of their front office structure. What i disagree with is the ridiculous manner in which the messgae was developed and executed.
Its like a boy who writes a girl a love note, attachs it to a rock, and throws it through her front window - the message was good, but the delivery sucked. mlm - your message was good, but your delivery sucked. Sorry.
Makes all skins fans look like fools? No it doesn't. Losing and playing football the way we didi earlier this season makes us look like fools. Not this.
When Saints fans back in the day started donning paper bags over their heads nobody said anything about the fans. The creativity of this action brought national and international media attention to the sorry state of their team. It worked.
Why do you really care what other people think if us? As long as the team takes care of business, plays at a respectable level and the players behave themselves, I really do not care what others think of the Redskins and the fans. We can not control what others think.
Anything that brought media attention and thus Snyder's attention works.