Re: Do you expect Zorn to be fired
Originally Posted by The Goat
That's the real bottom line. Zorn will be gone soon but ultimately this team's total failure starts at the very top. I think when you look at how Snyder managed Gibbs retirement, from beginning to end, this franchise competes for the most poorly run in the league. Of course Snyder's utter failures as an owner and de facto GM go back to the very beginning but I've heard over and over again contributors to this site say "Leave the past alone and recognize how Snyder has matured." Well ok then I'll focus just on the current situation...and still lil Danny doesn't have the first clue how to put a decent franchise together.
...ultimately Snyder deserves the embarrassment and failure. Zorn doesn't...he was just some random QB coach who was offered a big promotion well beyond his abilities. The players don't deserve it...they don't have any real leadership to look upon and are caught up within a mickey mouse organization. And finally we don't deserve any of this as fans. I do wish I could tune into the game one Sunday and see FedEx field completely empty. I wish determination would overcome apathy and fans would force the little man in the owner's box to sell the franchise he's nearly destroyed or completely turn the thing over to a real GM.
Yeah, that about sums it up for me. Join the Mutiny Goat!
A funny thing happened on the way to the temple. The moneychangers bought the priesthood.