Originally Posted by dmvskinzfan08
Good point. We got JC for the rest of the year. If we want to talk about the future that's fine. If you know any free agent QBs or College Qbs that will be better then let's talk about that. But even then people are assuming that JC will be gone this season. He hasn't played that bad. Its only the third game. He can only get better. I think the running game is a QB's best friend once we get that going I guarantee all you haters that our offense wil thrive. Write it down. When we get our running game together, which we will, our whole offense will thrive. Its not JC fault that we are one dimensional. He does not control the o-line or rbs performances (or WRs for that matter). Someone said he has yet to hit someone in stride. But then he turns around and says he hits moss is stride for a touchdown. He misses open receivers. Its easy to sit on the sideline and say this and that. Things happen much quicker on the feel and no QB makes the right decisions 100% of the time. We have JC for the rest of the year. So please button your pie holes about ifs and buts. Support him or shut up. Because he is our QB. My belief is that he is going to be having a lot of people eating crow by the end of the season. We just need to get this running game going.
Support your QB. He is not Delhomme and even the Panthers still have faith in him. Fickle ass fans. I tell ya!!
Hey DMV, I bet if the Redskins make the palyoffs we would still have some Hatter ass fans complaining that JC needs to go.