Originally Posted by FRPLG
I think he'll mind his Ps and Qs pretty well. He is looking to cash in so he has to be good both playing and behavior wise. The problem that exists is that Philly fans make Redskins fans look reasoned and focused. The implosion that is coming is going to be from the OTHER QB. If McNabb thought it was bad after they drafted Kolb and everyone decided his days were numbered, just wait. Now they have a potentially dynamic offensive weapon who has happened to win games playing the QB position before. That plus neurotic fans, and a thin-skinned attitude could b pretty caustic. Of course they could simply play well and everything would be fine but one hint of underachieving and the whole deal could get pretty ugly.
Actually, Philadelphia fans make a lynch mob, group of crackheads, street rioters or a class of crying kindergarteners look reasoned and focused.