Originally Posted by jgalecpa
This is from the NY Times:
The men indicted with Vick were Purnell Peace, Quanis Phillips and Tony Taylor. The 18-page indictment alleged that in March 2003, Peace consulted with Vick about a dog that had lost a fight. After Peace and Vick spoke, Peace killed the losing dog by wetting down the animal with water and electrocuting it. In April of this year, the indictment alleged that Peace, Phillips and Vick killed about eight dogs who did not perform well in testing sessions. This puts Vick right in the heart of it.
I hope PETA has protests at every game/practice/autograph signing/etc he goes too.
Remember, he was charged with 'creating mayhem' at a bowling alley before he was even in college.
Quality guy.
The bowling alley fight was not Vick it was Alvin Iverson. He started a fight which had him throwing chairs around and he was convicted and thrown in jail. Then Virginia's governor Doug Wilder gave him a pardon to get him out of jail so he could either play college basketball or go to the pros.