Re: Fresh Start Political Thread
Originally Posted by punch it in
Oh boy. I dont give a fuck about Brandon or whatever that all is. Just another flag from China for these sheep to stick in there yards between the old toilet and a rusty bike with one wheel.
I love how you continue to chalk up all the smoke around Trump as bullshit. Lemme know when everyone Biden has ever come in contact with is in jail and than we can have this conversation. Until than you championed and continue to champion the single biggest lying con artist to ever hold public office of any kind at any level.
8years of Obama we get the ACA.
4years of trump we get tax breaks for the rich , racism and hatred
10 months of Biden we get Infrastructure help for the Country!
....DISCLAIMER: All of my posts/threads are my expressed typed opinion and the reader is not to assume these comments are absolute fact, law, or truth unless otherwise stated in said post/thread.