Re: Around the NFL: NFL Offseason
Originally Posted by punch it in
Wow. Just catching up here. Hopefully toolbag finally took it too far and was banned? I mean Scaplers today blame everyone else for the problems they create. What a POS. Knew that guy wasn’t playing with a full deck. Well if he wasn’t banned than at least he is reading this and knows I think he is a fucktard.
I have him blocked, but his posts aren't coming up with the notice saying that someone blocked I'd bet he was banned or deleted his account. Probably going onto another forum talking about how he's being censored and the like....even though it's a clear misunderstanding of how free speech works. You can inbfact say anything you want....but be prepared for people to call you on dumb shit or hate speech. What a loser. Glad he's gone, ND this is a better place without him.
To beer, or not to beer? That is the ques.....oh, look...a beer.