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2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

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Old 07-12-2012, 09:47 PM   #181
Slingin Sammy 33
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
SS, ...this is from March but it's #'s are about negatives.

Romney’s negatives change the race - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Cohen reports that while Obama is viewed favorably by 53 percent of Americans, Romney is viewed favorably by only 34 percent. Even more significantly, Obama is viewed unfavorably by only 43 percent of Americans, compared with 50 percent who view Romney unfavorably. Thus, Obama’s net favorable is plus-10, Romney’s is minus-16.
Cohen’s bottom line about Romney: “As he has become better known, his unfavorables shot up far more rapidly than his positive numbers. Negative impressions are up eight percentage points in the past week, nudging past the precious high….”
Since the GOP base has rallied around Romney his rating have improved, but he's till got work to do. Fundraising has gone quite well, particularly since the SCOTUS decision on Obamacare, so Romney's got some positives to build on.

Poll: Romney favorability rating remains low - The Hill's Ballot Box

I think this will certainly be a close race, not Bush/Gore close, but close.
Here's some latest polling info:

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.

Last edited by Slingin Sammy 33; 07-12-2012 at 09:57 PM.
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Old 07-13-2012, 01:47 PM   #182
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Apparently it is possible to be Sole Stockholder, Chairman of the Board, CEO, and President and not be responsible for the actions of a company. Either I'm really fcking stupid or someone thinks I'm really fcking stupid.

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

It's also possible to put money in a blind trust and not be responsible for how an IRA managed to be valued 100 million.

Apparently being able to say "I don't know" and "I am not responsible" are the mark of a leader these days.
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."

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Old 07-13-2012, 03:16 PM   #183
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

So Mr Obama decides to vist out area today and from what I have heard there is a 10 mile back up because they closed several main roads. Friday what timing.
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Old 07-13-2012, 04:53 PM   #184
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Apparently it is possible to be Sole Stockholder, Chairman of the Board, CEO, and President and not be responsible for the actions of a company. Either I'm really fcking stupid or someone thinks I'm really fcking stupid.

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

It's also possible to put money in a blind trust and not be responsible for how an IRA managed to be valued 100 million.

Apparently being able to say "I don't know" and "I am not responsible" are the mark of a leader these days.
Shame on the Obama campaign for these accusations, shame on Obama for not rupudiating them, and shame on you for going pew, pew , pew all over the board and not doing your homework.
Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 07-13-2012, 04:54 PM   #185
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
So Mr Obama decides to vist out area today and from what I have heard there is a 10 mile back up because they closed several main roads. Friday what timing.
Not to mention the $$$$ the City of VB spent on prettying up Green Run H.S. for the campaign stop.
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 07-13-2012, 05:37 PM   #186
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
Shame on the Obama campaign for these accusations, shame on Obama for not rupudiating them, and shame on you for going pew, pew , pew all over the board and not doing your homework.
Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

I'm not sure anything criminal went on (I am sure Obama's A team is on truthiness of it all) but I truly believe the whole mess needs to be clarified. It boggles the mind to think that a man who wore all the possible executive hats didn't know and wasn't involved in the happenings of his company. That's just not leadership.

Plus it just came out that he signed a bunch of SEC filings during that time and made a statement under oath that said "[T]here were a number of social trips and business trips that brought me back to Massachusetts, board meetings, Thanksgiving and so forth." Bottom line, his he seems to be absent a lot when it suits him or he thinks we are absent minded.

Mitt Romney’s Shifting Bain Story | Politicker

“Romney, who was CEO of Bain Capital until 2001, has repeatedly said he was on leave from the company in 1994, when strikes erupted at Ampad’s now- closed Indiana paper plant, and again in 2001, when GST Steel, a Kansas City plant, laid off workers and closed,” wrote Globe reporter Yvonne Abraham.
I don't know...I wasn't there...I left...I'm on leave...It's a blind trust, blah blah blah...It all seems quite convenient but shit like this doesn't go away easily. You should just pay me now!
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."

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Old 07-14-2012, 08:46 PM   #187
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Now this isn't something you see everyday.

GOP governor calls on Romney to release more tax returns - Yahoo! News
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 07-15-2012, 04:12 PM   #188
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Man, she's pretty and smart which makes for a pretty deadly attack dog...scary.

Dem aide on Bain: If Romney wasn't in charge, who was? - CBS News

The full episode is even more deadly...the guy working for Romney is not having a good time that's for sure.

July 15: Cutter, Madden, Ryan & more - CBS News Video
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."


Last edited by saden1; 07-15-2012 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 07-16-2012, 11:39 AM   #189
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

This says it all, straight from Obama:

Obama to business owners: 'You didn't build that' | Fox News

To this I say BS. The gov't doesn't put in 50+ hour (many put in 60-70 hours) workweeks. The gov't didn't give me travel vouchers for my family to be with me when it was necessary to be on the road for work. The gov't doesn't study for you to make strong academic achievement. The gov't doesn't come up with inventive or more productive ideas (sometimes defense R & D has made breakthoughs....but Obama and the Ds are ready to hammer defense spending). The gov't doesn't guarantee investment risks (unless its Solyndra or another Obama bundler). The gov't certainly has never bailed me out of anything. All the while folks who have worked and sacrificed for their own success are mandated to pay an even higher percentage of taxes????

I paid a hell of alot more for those roads than most, is there a special HTP (Highly Taxed Person) lane so I don't need to sit in traffic? BTW most roads are funded either by state funds or the FHWA which is funded primarily from gasoline taxes. As far as education goes that comment is complete BS as only 6% of education funding comes from the feds and it comes with a lot more strings than it's worth. The internet was originally a comm system funded by DOD between universities.....the mass expansion was funded by private investments and I pay monthly for my internet service.

I wish Obama and the Dems would just change their party name to Democratic Socialist Party and be who they really are.
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 07-16-2012, 12:08 PM   #190
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Hit the link for the 35 questions

35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away - Forbes

Unfortunately for the Romney Campaign, the slew of TV interviews did little to satisfy the media. In times of crisis, a strong candidate will come up with answers that satisfy the basic questions surrounding the controversy and will make people want to move on to another subject. Romney, however, could not seem to come up with basic messages that resolved the controversies. Many of his answers seemed evasive or overly legalistic. The biggest problem for Romney is that all of his interviews have only increased the questions that political observers, voters and the media have regarding the subject of Bain Capital.
Specifically, Romney is going to have to answer the following 35 questions before this issue subsides:
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Old 07-16-2012, 01:12 PM   #191
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

It does not matter what Romney did so many years back it what he can do for us now that matters.
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Old 07-16-2012, 01:25 PM   #192
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Hit the link for the 35 questions

35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away - Forbes

Unfortunately for the Romney Campaign, the slew of TV interviews did little to satisfy the media. In times of crisis, a strong candidate will come up with answers that satisfy the basic questions surrounding the controversy and will make people want to move on to another subject. Romney, however, could not seem to come up with basic messages that resolved the controversies. Many of his answers seemed evasive or overly legalistic. The biggest problem for Romney is that all of his interviews have only increased the questions that political observers, voters and the media have regarding the subject of Bain Capital.
Specifically, Romney is going to have to answer the following 35 questions before this issue subsides:
Why aswer the questions when fact check can answer the question? : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion
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Old 07-16-2012, 01:42 PM   #193
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
“”If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from….You make a big election about small things,” ” – Barack Obama 08/28/08

All these questions have been answered in the WaPo link and FD's Politifact link. The Dems in MA tried the lame Bain attacks when Romney was vetted for Gov. Shall we revisit Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, etc.
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 07-16-2012, 01:53 PM   #194
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

im starting to get effing sick of all these damn commercials every turn of the dial. Political attack ads are just lame from both sides.
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Old 07-16-2012, 03:22 PM   #195
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
im starting to get effing sick of all these damn commercials every turn of the dial. Political attack ads are just lame from both sides.
We in Va are seeing a large number of these ads because we are a swing state and they are not going away.
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