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pro life ad's in georgia

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Old 02-10-2010, 04:02 PM   #16
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
How about the notion of Tebow being a "miracle baby?" If you cut through facad you realize all the ad is saying is "don't do abortion, you might hit the jackpot like me and birth a baller." Of course, what it doesn't tell you is that the chance of your baby being a baller is statistically improbable and that there's a better chance that he might become a perennial criminal.
Have you ever thought that "miracle baby" is probably talking about her severe complications that arose durn pregnancy. So do you support abortion because the chances of that fetus becomes a baller are small and you think we are wiping out more potential criminals?
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Old 02-10-2010, 04:08 PM   #17
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Have you ever thought that "miracle baby" is probably talking about her severe complications that arose durn pregnancy. So do you support abortion because the chances of that fetus becomes a baller are small and you think we are wiping out more potential criminals?
Nice First . Maybe the Feds will " fix " everyone with a criminal record as to reduce future crime . And maybe free Gatorade and vitamins for athletes so we will ensure healthier and longer lasting athletes .
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Old 02-10-2010, 04:21 PM   #18
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Are you for real? Your saying people will now care less about endangered animals because of this add. OK!
Yes, I am for real. Mis-using the phrase "endangered species" by putting it in a context in which it does not belong trivializes the concept. This is pretty straightforward.

Those billboards are high in scare factor, low in legitimate information.
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Old 02-10-2010, 04:40 PM   #19
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
Yes, I am for real. Mis-using the phrase "endangered species" by putting it in a context in which it does not belong trivializes the concept. This is pretty straightforward.

Those billboards are high in scare factor, low in legitimate information.
I guess the polar bears better go hide after these things go up.
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Old 02-10-2010, 05:49 PM   #20
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Have you ever thought that "miracle baby" is probably talking about her severe complications that arose durn pregnancy. So do you support abortion because the chances of that fetus becomes a baller are small and you think we are wiping out more potential criminals?
Yes I did, Tebow is a baby who survived complications and went on to do great's a miracle! How miraculous would he be if he was a nobody? How miraculous are all those babies that didn't make it through complications? The reason the whole complications and miracles thing is told is to appeal to us at an emotional level and convince us that abortion is the wrong choice not just in this instance but in all instances...hence "celebrate life, celebrate family."

My decision to support abortion is solely based on affording people the right to choose...whatever that choice may be. Ms. Tebow made the right choice, good for her. Focus on the Family, group behind the ad, doesn't want people to have a choice...they can go fuck themselves.

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
So do you support abortion because the chances of that fetus becomes a baller are small and you think we are wiping out more potential criminals?
That's eugenics, I don't support eugenics.
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Old 02-10-2010, 07:47 PM   #21
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Yes I did, Tebow is a baby who survived complications and went on to do great's a miracle! How miraculous would he be if he was a nobody? How miraculous are all those babies that didn't make it through complications? The reason the whole complications and miracles thing is told is to appeal to us at an emotional level and convince us that abortion is the wrong choice not just in this instance but in all instances...hence "celebrate life, celebrate family."

My decision to support abortion is solely based on affording people the right to choose...whatever that choice may be. Ms. Tebow made the right choice, good for her. Focus on the Family, group behind the ad, doesn't want people to have a choice...they can go fuck themselves.

That's eugenics, I don't support eugenics.
i copletely agree with you, my main thing was how distastefully done the ad was, to call black children endangered is ridiculious, i consider myself a conservative but i belive there should always be a choice, otherwise you end up with hearing a story like this one 18-Year-Old Hides Pregnancy, Then Allegedly Throws Newborn Down Trash Chute in Florida While on Vacation - Associated Content -
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Old 02-11-2010, 08:07 AM   #22
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

The groups responsible insist that they are not exaggerating, despite contrary federal data. The billboards, which show a close-up of a worried-looking African-American boy, are an effort to highlight data showing that black women get a disproportionate number of abortions, especially in Georgia, and that the number in Georgia is increasing.


The billboards — there are 65 now and will eventually be 80, Ms. Davis said — were created in conjunction with a new Web site, TOO MANY ABORTED, which says that all of Georgia’s abortion clinics are in “urban areas where blacks reside.” The Web site connects abortion to segregation, saying that after the civil rights era, racists went “underground,” and that today “abortion is the tool they use to stealthily target blacks for extermination.”
so racists put up abortion clinics in black areas to make them abort more? ummmmmmmm

how about you know your demographics and locate based on that.. like every other company does? plus no strip mall suburban neighborhood is going to let that clinic come there

I'm personally against abortion but it's better some of those kids don't come up there, endangered species my ass.
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:16 AM   #23
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Yes I did, Tebow is a baby who survived complications and went on to do great's a miracle! How miraculous would he be if he was a nobody? How miraculous are all those babies that didn't make it through complications? The reason the whole complications and miracles thing is told is to appeal to us at an emotional level and convince us that abortion is the wrong choice not just in this instance but in all instances...hence "celebrate life, celebrate family."

My decision to support abortion is solely based on affording people the right to choose...whatever that choice may be. Ms. Tebow made the right choice, good for her. Focus on the Family, group behind the ad, doesn't want people to have a choice...they can go fuck themselves.

That's eugenics, I don't support eugenics.
You have said you are for a one payer health care system and that will not give us a choice so it seems you pick and choose the right of choice.
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:35 AM   #24
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Without getting into beliefs, and just relying on logic, I think abortion should be legal only if the rights of the mother were violated first as in the case of rape. I fall on the side of people who believes that at the split-second of conception a baby has a soul. It's these people getting abortions as birth control that make me so f-ing angry.
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:57 PM   #25
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Why is it that men, who have the most to say about abortion it seems, have so much to say about what a woman should do with her own body?
What about this man?
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:15 PM   #26
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

I don't have a problem with either pro-lifers or pro-rights < womens right to choose > . It does bother me when " womens lib/groups " say a womens responsibilty starts at birth, but a mans starts at conception ? They can't have it both ways and say they are for fairness and equality . If a women can decide at 3 months to oppt out of the birth/raising a child , then how can these groups say a man < assuming he told the women @/3 months > , "I don't want to be a father" , as they say the man has a financial obligation to raise the kid ? Me , I would raise the kid , but that would be my choice as I wouldn't want a kid to not have a father , nor could I let another man raise my offspring < should she marry later > .
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:16 PM   #27
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
What about this man?
Typical Eagles fan ?
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:45 PM   #28
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection View Post
Without getting into beliefs, and just relying on logic, I think abortion should be legal only if the rights of the mother were violated first as in the case of rape. I fall on the side of people who believes that at the split-second of conception a baby has a soul. It's these people getting abortions as birth control that make me so f-ing angry.
thats the main reason i think people should get them, but i have never been in that position either

it really is a shame that some people do actually use it as birth control, they really need to focus on teaching kids about sex and children a lot earlier, like 12 to 13. i know alot of parents don't wanna hear it but facts are facts and kids are getting sexually active younger and younger. girls even get their frist visit from aunt flow as early as 10 to 11 thats just nuts
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:50 PM   #29
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

I think abortion is really about Americans being too spoiled for their own damned good. In Turd world nations they have as many kids as they can. They do so because so many children die. This used to be the case in the US too.

Abortion isn't really one of my issues, but to say without abortion there is no choice is wrong. To fornicate is a choice and it costs nothing except a cold shower. Besides, there are rubbers and ever other type of pill these days too. People just want to screw without consequences.

It isn't about choice and it never has been. Abortion is about liquidating those who socialist / fascist / leftist / commie (insert Progressive) assholes think are unfit, before they can grow up and be wards of the state.

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Old 02-12-2010, 07:20 AM   #30
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Re: pro life ad's in georgia

Originally Posted by Trample the Elderly View Post
It isn't about choice and it never has been. Abortion is about liquidating those who socialist / fascist / leftist / commie (insert Progressive) assholes think are unfit, before they can grow up and be wards of the state.
With you slipping through we're obviously not doing a good job.
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