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Old 01-29-2005, 05:45 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Technology in the NFL

Anyone else think that it's time the game got some? I was going through some games last night and was surprised/annoyed/shocked at the atrocious ball placement by officials in most games.

Here's my suggestion. Put a transceiver in the ball, one on each point or something, and have it monitored by computer. We have the tech to do this. Stop this nonsense where a zebra gives the home field a couple of feet advantage (Except the Redskins at home, of course. That never happens).
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Old 01-29-2005, 08:55 PM   #2
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Well the purist will shout blasphemy, but I think that is an excellent idea myself. I'm sick of the whole "Well that's part of the game" BS. Of course, this year really swayed my opinions on the officiating. There were a lot of really bad ball spots.
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Old 01-29-2005, 09:36 PM   #3
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I agree that more technology needs to be implimented in the NFL. I had never thought of this "transceiver" plan as you have suggested, but if it's doable, then it sounds good to me. I have always thought that the NFL should try to move towards having referees in the booth upstairs to correct any bad calls that might be made. The coach shouldn't have to ask to have a call corrected, it should happen automatically. Arguing that any new technology could "hinder the rythm of the game" is nonsense, since the game is stopped every 10 plays for commercials anyway.
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Old 01-29-2005, 10:13 PM   #4
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the other football has it

There was an article recently on cnn about a company that is doing that for soccer to know if a score was really a score.

I thought this was kind of silly but the technology is already there and it vould be used for

first down placement
forward laterals

caught/dropped passes
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Old 01-29-2005, 10:22 PM   #5
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Welcome to the board Holy Land, are you from Israel? How'd you become a Redskins fan?

I think I read the same thing about soccer and I think the NHL uses (used?) the same technology in determining whether a puck crossed the goal line.
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Old 01-30-2005, 10:02 PM   #6
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I totally agree that something must be done. We seemed to come up on the short end of most of the diputed calls this season and it really hurt us. They should use whatever technology is available to improve the game. Having officials up in the replay booth checking out every play would also help. I agree that it shouldn't be up to the coaches to challenge every play when they only have three challenges to use.
The worst calls though are the ones that are ruled unchallengable, fumbles that are ruled down by contact etc.etc. Alot of those that are shown on replay were obviously true fumbles but because of an assinine call by the refs, can't even be challenged. There should be some way to overrule that call.
Any suggestions????
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Old 01-31-2005, 03:42 PM   #7
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i have always felt that the whole point of the referees on the field were to interpret the rules as they know them. If you start using any kind of new technology, you are taking the game out of the hands of humans, and putting it in the hands of machines.

As bad as they are, mistakes are part of the game...what happens when the machines do not function properly? do you then go back to human control...and back to original problems.

I can see the positives of technology in the game...i guess i'm too much of a purist...and i still think instant replay needs to either be fully implemented (ie allow all questionable plays to be reviewed), or taken away completely. this twice a game bullcrap is ridiculous...
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Old 02-01-2005, 02:35 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by HolyLandSkinsFan
There was an article recently on cnn about a company that is doing that for soccer to know if a score was really a score.

I thought this was kind of silly but the technology is already there and it vould be used for

first down placement
forward laterals

caught/dropped passes

hmm, i always thought in soccer that if it was in the net you knew it had to hvae gone in. mabye im missing something here...mabye thats why they scream so much when theres a goal, to distract the ref. kinda like a quick snap on a questionable play. lol
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Old 02-01-2005, 08:33 AM   #9
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Skins - if the goalie blocks the ball right on the line, if it crosses the plane of the goal AT ALL it's a goal, and with no refs directly on the goal to see, it's very hard to call.
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Old 02-01-2005, 04:37 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Daseal
Skins - if the goalie blocks the ball right on the line, if it crosses the plane of the goal AT ALL it's a goal, and with no refs directly on the goal to see, it's very hard to call.
Actually being a soccer ref for many years and playing the sport. (I was a goalie) The whole ball has to cross over the line unlike footbal where just the ball neads to break the plane. If part of the ball is on the line then, no goal. It can be difficult to catch so they implemented some new tech for this.

What I would like to get is the radio frequency that the coaches on the field talk to the coaches in the box. Similar to NASCAR where radio comunications between pits, drivers and spotters are always available. Would be a fun game time experience.
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