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Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

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Old 08-24-2007, 01:53 PM   #46
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Rock Your Face View Post
I am no huge fan of the Post as a paper, but whether or not the pulling of their season tickets by the Skins was justified, it came across as petty and vindictive. Back to the original post about JLC:

a) Most of the gripes expressed here come from comments posted on the Redskins Insider blog, which is where I believe he has more latitude to express his own point of view.

b) The Skins deserve to be criticized when they do dumb stuff and they do dumb stuff a lot. I love the Skins, but I do get sick of people in this town that see them as incapable of doing anything stupid or wrong. It's refreshing to me have a somewhat critical eye cast upon them and that view expressed in the local media.

c) Again, I love Gibbs, but it was a bad move by him to go after JLC at a presser. It is actions like this that reinforce the Skins as being vindictive.
Good post RYF. But I agree with those who've noticed a nasty tone lately, and no doubt, Gibbs personal call-out didn't help. JLac obviously has a number of "NFL sources" who give him a very different line from what the skins say (didn't he cover the Ravens?). So he says they need a real LG, he gets smacked, then they DO get an LG, and Gibbs says "were just making the team stronger, no big deal, yatta, yatta." So there's obviously animosity. But I don't think it's Sally Jenkins type negligence--JLac works hard and his blog is generally very good, and one of the best sources of skins info, IMO.
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Old 08-24-2007, 01:55 PM   #47
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
Let me start by saying that I think that the Washington Post's Jason La Canfora is a good reporter and he seems like a pretty good guy. I read his blog quite frequently as it is informative and interesting. His articles are well written and, apparently, well researched.

Let me also note that I do not tow the company line and I often criticize the team for various moves (e.g., I think we overpaid in a big way for Kendall). I am not your typical fan who immediately jumps down the throat of any journalist who critiques the front office. In fact, I often say that guys like Peter King do NOT have it out for the team, Art Monk, Dan Snyder, etc.

That all being said, I am starting to think that JLC has a serious personal gripe with the team, members of the front office, Danny, or some combination of the above. JLC rarely expressed divergent viewpoints or says "on the one hand....and on the other" in his blog. In short, he seems to piss on every move and everything that the team does.

Does anyone else agree?
JLC is a journalist but he also has the blog where he is allowed to provide his editorial input on things. He is a sharp guy who basically has a view of the team that none of us have, and I think he is simply telling things like they are.

I think we need to face facts that the Skins need a sharp GM to come in and run the show - sort of like what Grunfeld is doing for the Wizards.

I think we need to avoid looking at the team we all love, through rose-tinted glasses. I'm sure some Warpathers are going to jump on me for saying all this stuff, but lets face it - JLC is simply pointing out that the team's personnel is not always run competently. I certainly think there are good things about what they have done (make good use of high draft picks for one) but the constant trading of mid-round picks for aging or overrated talent is really symptomatic of this team.
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Old 08-24-2007, 02:01 PM   #48
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

For what it's worth, JLac's latest addresses this very issue:

Funk-Free Zone

Hey there, finally got a chance to get caught up on some comments.

Just want to let you know that I am in anything but a funk. Actually. feeling good, rolling right along, but thanks for your concern. I love the fact people agree and disagree on this blog, and sure, there are some myopic, naïve folks who post on here, but that's cool, too. There's room for everyone.

But wanted to let you guys know a few things:

Just to make it clear, any references to some sort of event or conversation in the press box Saturday night as mentioned in the comments here is a complete lie made up by pathetic souls. Forgive them for they know not how lost they are. Please consider the source.

Some of you guys have also alluded to a problem with Coach Joe, but wanted to clear that up as well. We're cool, and all of this stuff, as I've said before, is part of the gig. Not the first time it happened and certainly won't be the last time we differ, for him or me.

I'm a big boy, and he has a job to do and they want to sell tickets and pass along a certain message, and have their means for doing so. That's pro sports. I thoroughly reported on major issue with the team, and he responded. Not a big deal.

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Old 08-24-2007, 02:01 PM   #49
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Dlyne8r View Post
Dude, you really brought it in JLC's RI blog! Bravo mate! I wish Glenn Brenner were here to make a comment. Miss that dude.
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Old 08-24-2007, 02:07 PM   #50
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Dlyne8r View Post
Have you tried to read his blog posts? Jeeze, he kant spel an it vary hard too reed. Isn't JLC from "Balmer" anyway and a closet Ravens fan? Maybe that would explain some of his negativity towards the 'Skins. He not too long ago compared The Raven's and 'Skins front offices and said something to the effect that the Ravens FO was a much better run organization. No surprise there I guess. Anyway, I do share some of his thoughts on how the Redskins are managed overall and even though I live and die by how the 'Skins perform every season, they deserve criticism where it is due.
I wouldn't necessarily knock JLC for the spelling and grammar errors. As I understand it, he phones in a lot of his blog reports and an assistant does the actual typing
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Old 08-24-2007, 02:15 PM   #51
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I wouldn't necessarily knock JLC for the spelling and grammar errors. As I understand it, he phones in a lot of his blog reports and an assistant does the actual typing
I've officially been enlightened, I was not aware of that. In fact, a lot of the bloggers there kid JLC for that as if it were part of his schtick. Being a native southerner, I just lern't to reed an right, soes I shuldnt be so picky!
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Old 08-24-2007, 02:16 PM   #52
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by JWsleep View Post
For what it's worth, JLac's latest addresses this very issue:

Funk-Free Zone

Hey there, finally got a chance to get caught up on some comments.

Just want to let you know that I am in anything but a funk. Actually. feeling good, rolling right along, but thanks for your concern. I love the fact people agree and disagree on this blog, and sure, there are some myopic, naïve folks who post on here, but that's cool, too. There's room for everyone.

But wanted to let you guys know a few things:

Just to make it clear, any references to some sort of event or conversation in the press box Saturday night as mentioned in the comments here is a complete lie made up by pathetic souls. Forgive them for they know not how lost they are. Please consider the source.

Some of you guys have also alluded to a problem with Coach Joe, but wanted to clear that up as well. We're cool, and all of this stuff, as I've said before, is part of the gig. Not the first time it happened and certainly won't be the last time we differ, for him or me.

I'm a big boy, and he has a job to do and they want to sell tickets and pass along a certain message, and have their means for doing so. That's pro sports. I thoroughly reported on major issue with the team, and he responded. Not a big deal.

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Fair enough, to his credit he did report both sides of the issue as he said, guess we just tend to focus on the negative.
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Old 08-24-2007, 02:28 PM   #53
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

I could care less if he has a problem with the Skins. When the Skins took the tickets from the Washington Post it was because The Danny found out that most of those tickets were being sold as well as given away so like a buisness man he figured if anyones going to make money off these tickets it gonna be me. Was that wrong ? I guess it depends on how you look at it. The Posts' anti-Skins spray comes out from time to time but I honestly don't pay attention to it. There is so much anti-Skin rhetoric on ESPN and from Al Koken that the little that The Post gives me doesn't mean a thing. I swear Al Koken says some of the most retarded stuff I have ever heard. If I didn't get placed on hold for 30 min after he says something dumb I would've been able to say something. Brian Mitchell, yeah he speaks his mind but he is still bitter too. He was shafted by the team though, I didn't like it when he was released because he was a ball player. Plain and simple. He was the type of guy you want around younger players to instill a sort of pride in the game for one, and also in the Washington Redskins organization. It was something that you could tell was sorely missed during The Danny's first couple of years. Pretty much until Joe Gibbs got back. The main problem is that we were spoiled. We were spolied by a team that had a Coach, a freaking genius running a machine that could not be stopped. The Skins won 3 Bowls and then when Joe left we were all of a sudden worse than the St.Louis/Pheonix/Arizona Cardinals. That's right I remember them back then.

I know I got off track a bit but as far as Mr. LaCanfora goes I don't have a problem reading his blogs. It's about the Skins so I'm cool reading about them. I found it quite interesting that "In a nutshell, the Redskins overpaid for a 34-year old guard - same ol story there - and have again taken aim at a future year's draft, but that's a vicious cycle that might never end at this point, so let's not even get into it now." However JUST yesterday at 11:43 am it was a "Good move by the Skins".

Overpaid ? , we won't know until he plays. Could be quite the discount, or it could turn out to be an anal raping worse than the Heath Schuler signing.
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Old 08-24-2007, 03:44 PM   #54
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Overpaid ? , we won't know until he plays. Could be quite the discount, or it could turn out to be an anal raping worse than the Heath Schuler signing.

WOW! I guess you could put it that way.
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Old 08-24-2007, 03:56 PM   #55
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

there are highs and lows in every job. sometimes you get along with co workers, sometimes you don't. its all about being around people a whole bunch more then normal. i think, for the most part, his stuff is pretty good. and sometimes very informative. its like anything else. if you think he is biased, don't read it
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Old 08-24-2007, 10:59 PM   #56
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Most people in the media are morons that couldn't cut it in any other walk of life. There are very few people in the media that I have even an ounce of respect for these days, and even fewer on that formerly informative sports network, ESPN. The Post is a joke in many ways anyway.
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Old 08-25-2007, 01:37 AM   #57
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by ncskinsfanec View Post
Most people in the media are morons that couldn't cut it in any other walk of life. There are very few people in the media that I have even an ounce of respect for these days, and even fewer on that formerly informative sports network, ESPN. The Post is a joke in many ways anyway.
Just curious - do you actually know anyone in the media?

Why is the Post a joke?
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Old 08-25-2007, 11:07 AM   #58
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

who cares?he's a frechman anyhow!
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Old 08-25-2007, 05:32 PM   #59
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by ncskinsfanec View Post
Most people in the media are morons that couldn't cut it in any other walk of life. There are very few people in the media that I have even an ounce of respect for these days, and even fewer on that formerly informative sports network, ESPN. The Post is a joke in many ways anyway.
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Old 08-25-2007, 09:11 PM   #60
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Drift Reality View Post
Just curious - do you actually know anyone in the media?

Why is the Post a joke?
I apoligize to the good people in the media, and no I really don't know any media person personally. As for the Post maybe I was a bit too harsh to call it a joke. I do think their coverage is slanted sometimes though.
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