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Rookie contracts too much?

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Old 05-29-2007, 09:03 PM   #16
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

The market dictates what the rookies get, and if a guy's services are in high demand, well he gets to hit the jackpot come signing time. I don't agree with it, but it is how things work. The NFL should have had performance incentive laden contracts since day one of the FA era, but they didn't and now the cat is out of the bag for some time to come.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:16 AM   #17
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

Why pay a guy based on what he might do. How about letting them earn the big money?
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:33 AM   #18
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

Originally Posted by Old School View Post
Why pay a guy based on what he might do. How about letting them earn the big money?

for the simple fact that he was drafted that high and how much the salary cap is the higher the cap gets the more rookies will get

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Old 05-30-2007, 11:47 AM   #19
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

I don't see how this problem can be fixed. If I'm the #1 overall pick next year (crossing my fingers) why would I sign a contract that's lease than the one that Russell signs this year? I know he signed one that was bigger than Mario Williams', who in turned signed one that was bigger than Smith's. I also know that the cap goes up from year to year and that the trend is that each year the picks make a little more than the previous year.

If you try to make to the contracts smaller you're just going to get more and more holdouts.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:53 AM   #20
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

Originally Posted by ArtMonkDrillz View Post
I don't see how this problem can be fixed. If I'm the #1 overall pick next year (crossing my fingers) why would I sign a contract that's lease than the one that Russell signs this year? I know he signed one that was bigger than Mario Williams', who in turned signed one that was bigger than Smith's. I also know that the cap goes up from year to year and that the trend is that each year the picks make a little more than the previous year.

If you try to make to the contracts smaller you're just going to get more and more holdouts.
You are right, no one would sign a smaller contract than the previous year, which is exactly why the league must get involved in this. Teams dont choose what to pay their pick, they may not want to pay anyone in that draft that type of money, but they have to because of their draft pick. The league should put restrictions on rookie contracts that allow for preformance insentives incase the rookie turns out to be real good.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:58 AM   #21
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

For the most part I'd say the NBA is not the league you want to pattern yourself after, but their rookie salary slotting does make a lot of sense for the NFL. Basically your rookie contract is already laid out when you enter the league and is (I think) like a 3 year deal. One obstacle might come from the NFLPA, but obviously the members there are veterans and presumably most would not mind taking money from rookies that could then be allocated to veterans who have already proven their worth. It would also allow NFL rookies to make it to their second contract more quickly and, if they have proven themselves, to get a big payday. Really the people this would effect would only be the first round picks and even then mostly those chosen in the top 10-15 picks. Sensible idea and I could see it happening at some point if the NFLPA and ownership could come together on something.
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Old 05-30-2007, 12:06 PM   #22
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

The only problem that I see with using a NBA-style slotting system is that your position usually dictates how much money you make in the NFL, much more so than in the NBA.
A defensive tackle is going to make a lot less than a QB or RB, whereas a power forward isn't necessarily going to make all that much more than a shooting guard.
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Old 05-30-2007, 12:16 PM   #23
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

Originally Posted by ArtMonkDrillz View Post
The only problem that I see with using a NBA-style slotting system is that your position usually dictates how much money you make in the NFL, much more so than in the NBA.
A defensive tackle is going to make a lot less than a QB or RB, whereas a power forward isn't necessarily going to make all that much more than a shooting guard.
Good point. I guess there would have to be some sort of formula a la the franchise player system, but that could get complicated I suppose.
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Old 05-30-2007, 12:24 PM   #24
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

They should make a cap for Rookies. Only allow 2-3 yr contracts. This way teams get a chance to mold a Rookie for 1-2 yrs and then play him to see his worth before giving big dollars. The 2-3 yr contract allows the player to learn the system and then show his capabilities. If he shines he can then ask for the large contract. I'm not sure what the players have in regards to retirment or health insurance but I'm almost tired of hearing how they "have to get theirs now because who knows what will happen in the future." You don't hear Firemen or Policemen saying "hey give me mine now 'cause who knows if I might get killed or injured and can't take care of the family." The players union should set up some package for this and either all players have to have this or if they get a better package then they are exempt.
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Old 05-30-2007, 12:26 PM   #25
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

Despite the fact that position plays a big role in how much money is earned, it doesnt matter what position you play when you are drafted. Generally, when guys are drafted, they get more than the guys behind them and less than the guys in front. This is not right, but it is how the market works. I dont think it necessary to put restrictions on positions, but I do feel its necessary for the league to put a limit on how much can be spent on each pick. I dont think that there would be that much of an uproar about this coming from the NFLPA because those guys are vets and probably feel that the vets who have proven themselves should be getting the money, and therefore will not argue against it. There should still be an oppurtunity for impact players to make the big bucks, which is why there shouldnt be much of a restriction on preformance insentives.
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Old 05-30-2007, 01:16 PM   #26
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Re: Rookie contracts too much?

Originally Posted by BeastsoftheNFCeast View Post
Despite the fact that position plays a big role in how much money is earned, it doesnt matter what position you play when you are drafted. Generally, when guys are drafted, they get more than the guys behind them and less than the guys in front.
Except for QB's, they do generally carry a premium.
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