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Game Thread: 'Skins vs. Falcons

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Old 09-03-2004, 10:43 PM   #286
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Since I live out of Redskin territory, I only got to see bits and pieces of the game on the NFL Network....from what I saw I liked about rookie Cooley, and the aggressive, swarming defense...nice to see Arrington finally play, and hope Arrington and Taylor are alright.............
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Old 09-03-2004, 10:44 PM   #287
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if we were to actually lose taylor and arrington in one game I just think I would curl up in a ball with my thumb in my mouth and rock back and forth, scary thought.
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Old 09-03-2004, 10:45 PM   #288
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yea cooley looked great. I hope he starts and put up better numbers than winslow.

I hope winslow does well, more so than shockey acutally. The fact hes on the browns means hes of no threat to teh skins so i dont care. as long as he has a shitty game against us and taylor levels him and then picks it off and forces a fumble
"I'm used to winning, coming from the University of Miami. " Clinton Portis
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Old 09-03-2004, 10:48 PM   #289
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Hey SkinsnCanes...hope you are safely away from the hurricanes path......take care now. What did you think about the NFL making the Miami players leave their homes and families and play in New Orleans???? Kind of cold of the league for a lousy preseason game IMHO......
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Old 09-03-2004, 10:51 PM   #290
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Originally Posted by SKINSnCANES
if we were to actually lose taylor and arrington in one game I just think I would curl up in a ball with my thumb in my mouth and rock back and forth, scary thought.
I'd be right there with you. Bad thought. You better knock on wood!
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Old 09-03-2004, 11:11 PM   #291
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Just came from the game and that 1st quarter was awsome. Not one bad play on either side of the ball. Everybody played well but the starting defense was out there to much risking injury. Even Jimoh didn't get burnt. Ryan Clark the Saftey was all over the field. Walt HArris was the only don side from what I saw.

One week till all the fun starts.
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Old 09-04-2004, 12:02 AM   #292
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All I saw was up to 10-0 but they looked sharp. Brunell, Betts, Bowen...the Killer B's!!

I hear x-rays on lavar and taylor were negative and they'll be fine.

So are rock and simon gone? Seems like it could be that way. Too bad for rock especially. I guess it's a matter of when you're injured, you could miss the first three games like betts or the last two like rock
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Old 09-04-2004, 12:38 AM   #293
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Originally Posted by monk81
Hey SkinsnCanes...hope you are safely away from the hurricanes path......take care now. What did you think about the NFL making the Miami players leave their homes and families and play in New Orleans???? Kind of cold of the league for a lousy preseason game IMHO......
Dammit, I just wrote this really long post and then somethign happened and it didnt submit it.

To briefly summerize, thanks for the concern. I understand why they would make them play the game, they dont send the bears, packers, steelers, bills, skins or whoever home when theres a bad snow storm. Im not sure why they moved the game up a half hour. As if that is going to make a huge difference with them getting to their families.

The hurricane is most likely going ot hit north of miami. Which almost sucks becuase of how much work I put into getting my house ready. I spent four hours trying to get gas yesterday. Every gas station was either out of gas, or had a line a mile out of the gas station. I waited for over an hour in two lines to just be next in line and then the station ran out of gas. Im used to snow storms where you want to get hit by the main part so you get more snow. I guess i dont want to get hit with the eye but after boarding everythign up i kinda wanna see something ya know.

Anyhow, hopefully this goes up this time.
"I'm used to winning, coming from the University of Miami. " Clinton Portis
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Old 09-04-2004, 12:39 AM   #294
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rock was just injured for this week. I dont think itd be fair to cut rock for missing one game, and give it to betts who was out for all the other games.

We'll see what Gibbs decides, he likes betts so im sure he'll stay. I still think they are going to try and trade one of them
"I'm used to winning, coming from the University of Miami. " Clinton Portis
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Old 09-04-2004, 12:55 AM   #295
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Originally Posted by SKINSnCANES
rock was just injured for this week. I dont think itd be fair to cut rock for missing one game, and give it to betts who was out for all the other games.

We'll see what Gibbs decides, he likes betts so im sure he'll stay. I still think they are going to try and trade one of them
I just posted a new thread on this, but I'll say it again here. With all the carries McCullough got tonight, it looks as if the coaching staff is giving him a very serious look. And hey, let's face it, he gave them plenty to ponder. He ran hard and tough through the line, and had some shifty jukes here and there too. For the first time, McCullough proved (to me anyway), that he could be the complete package.

So I don't necessarily think they would cut Rock as retribution for missing just this game. I just think it's becoming more clear that he doesn't fit with Gibbs' system as well as the other backs do. I believe if he does get cut, some other team will snatch him up pretty quick, and he will be a more than serviceable tailback for them. It could be said that we just have too many capable RBs -- you just can't keep them all.
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Old 09-04-2004, 02:55 AM   #296
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mcollough finally showed up on 1st string and did alright... i don't think he's a sure shot by any means, but he has just as much of a chance to make it now as anyone else. It was an important game for him, and he did well. I apologize somewhat for my mcollough bashing... its still only one game against a team with the worst defense overall last year, so his greatness isn't gospel, but he's at least capable if he's needed.
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