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Debating with the enemy

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Old 12-01-2016, 09:02 PM   #31
punch it in
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Re: Recount Opinions

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
No. He's crazy - the media just skews the craziness into some dangerous thing that is about as real as Freddy on elm street

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Oh thank you God. Haha. I feel better. And yes I do agree. He is not Hitler. We are not on the verge of a dictatorship. However - and this is a huuuuuuge however - if this guy gets his feathers ruffled now - and they do get ruffled. What happens when Putin, or Kim Jong-un gets under his skin? What happens when he starts tweeting to them at 4 am????
Being unstable with thin skin and a twitter account in the whitehouse is not as "un-dangerous " as you maybe think.
His unstable nature incites hate and hate crime. You cannot tweet about someone losing their citizenship for flag burning. That is the most hypocritical thing ever. Flag = freedom. Freedom = right to burn flag. Exercising freedom = losing freedom???? Put aside ur thoughts on the flag burning, it is a dangerous equation. Especially from the incoming potus for christ sake.
He has shown no ability to hold his composure, or let the water run off his back.
Is he Hitler - nope. Could never happen this day and age (i think!). Could his unstable nature ruffle the wrong feathers though that could lead to something bigger - hell yes.
My only hope is that this four years goes by before he even gets close to going to far. And i think that is a very fair concern and a very real one.
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:06 PM   #32
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Re: Recount Opinions

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
No. Neither candidate got more than 50% the message is clear that the country is deeply divided and neither candidate was the choice of all the people.

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Split hairs all you want, she won the popular vote by a significant margin.
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:07 PM   #33
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Re: Recount Opinions

I agree about the thin skin. He needs a quiet place where he can tweet away(without going into the real world) and get it out of his system then come out and move on with the issues.

The office of the president changes the people who have held it. I hope he will get better on that part as he bears the daily burden.

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Old 12-01-2016, 09:08 PM   #34
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Re: Recount Opinions

Has a president elect ever done a victory tour? I mean WTF is this nonsense all about?
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:11 PM   #35
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Re: Recount Opinions

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Split hairs all you want, she won the popular vote by a significant margin.
It's not splitting hairs. Over 60million people voted for each candidate. Neither claims a lock on the will of all the people. Sorry your lady lost the part that counts.

In football terms. Hillary put up 420 yds to Trump's 300, but Trump scored in the red zone where Hillary didn't. Yes Hillary is the redskins (no I'm still not rooting for her)

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Old 12-01-2016, 09:19 PM   #36
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Re: Recount Opinions

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
I get a wow, but basically I am a far leftist who is actively rooting for police shootings and am protecting Obama who I did not even mention? All because I did not vote for Donald Fucking Trump - who somehow has become the baby of Jesus and Patton. Wtf? You forgot about the flags I just burned.
What is the next step up from Wow?

I am talking about Carrier and his cabinet? I am giving my opinion of those two things only. Wtf are u bringing up Obama and cop killers for?
Not you directly homie, certainly it's something I've picked up from the media and online over the last several years. The Orlando terrorist attack on the night club it was confirmed...where facts of the case came to light and the left still insisted on making up the narrative of motive. I remember reading comments on where people were openly commenting "oh no, please don't let this person be Muslim." They we're openingly rooting for a religious, white gun nut which could serve their own political agenda. That's when I "woke".

I actually believe it's a strong motivating factor which lead to the trump presidency. Folks are so sick and tired of this movement to creating false narratives which aren't based on fact.

The left are chasing these ideological constructs and offer zero solutions...and at the same time seem to forget how they got there and actually who is/was in charge.

If you sit back and look at's quite amazing. And now when it's seems like we should be celebrating a company who decided to keep jobs here, some seem fucking pissed. You want these people to be out of a job for the holidays? What's going on with this country? Would it satisfy the left, if the compromise was to have illegal illegrants come up from Mexico and fill these jobs here carrier promised to bring? The logic seems like it would.
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:42 PM   #37
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Re: Recount Opinions

I think it's great people are keeping their jobs, but let's skip the bullshit and call it what is is. $7 million in tax incentives to save 1000 jobs? Something doesn't add up. So what do we do now anytime a company threatens to move jobs? Bend over backwards and give them millions in tax breaks? Sounds like the usual story of the rich getting richer. More trickle down clowns.
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:42 PM   #38
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And the white gun toting nut bags were praying it was a muslim for their agenda.
Listen man i am 90 % instinct and 10 % news. Same as I am with the skins. I get a better feel for a player watching him play and pay little to no attention to rankings write ups stats projections etc etc.
lets just say my instinct has been pretty good so far in my life. Im not talented in any way. I am not uber successful. But i gotta a pretty good instinct. Like i did about KC a couple years ago. Lets just say if Trump was a qb i get a feeling reminiscent of going into the Beck year. Pence is Sexy Rexy. He is better but certainly not the guy. I hope the next four years is not as disastrous as that. I really do. But don't bet against my gut. It has eery powers. Lol
C-Red I just saw you tied football into this too. Haha.
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:46 PM   #39
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Re: Recount Opinions

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
I think it's great people are keeping their jobs, but let's skip the bullshit and call it what is is. $7 million in tax incentives to save 1000 jobs? Something doesn't add up. So what do we do now anytime a company threatens to move jobs? Bend over backwards and give them millions in tax breaks? Sounds like the usual story of the rich getting richer. More trickle down clowns.

Exactly. Well said. Nobody is unhappy about those families. Duh. But this was low hanging fruit and is not a sustainable strategy long term. Not even close. So show me something built to last. Not a PR stunt for christ sake.
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:53 PM   #40
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Another thing Chico. Not just you, but the vast majority of the right always wants to label anyone with disdain for Trump a leftist a liberal whatever. Assumes we not only voted for Obama but we think he is the cats meow.
Isn't it extremely possible that someone could have disdain for Trump just because of who he is. No agenda. No party affiliation. No nothing. Just not a fan of the person at all whatsoever. I mean he is "supposed" to be the "new" breed of politician. So this is a new breed of disdain. This is not Bush Vs Gore. This is brand new. It is not about Obama or libs or millennials or any of that. It is just pure disdain. Up until this point there is plenty of reason for it too.
Many republicans have disdain for him. I dont care what they say now. They better get in line. But you know damn well there were a shit ton from the right that did not want him in.
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Old 12-01-2016, 10:05 PM   #41
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Re: Recount Opinions

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
I think it's great people are keeping their jobs, but let's skip the bullshit and call it what is is. $7 million in tax incentives to save 1000 jobs? Something doesn't add up. So what do we do now anytime a company threatens to move jobs? Bend over backwards and give them millions in tax breaks? Sounds like the usual story of the rich getting richer. More trickle down clowns.
If your link from earlier is correct it's 7million weighed against a pledge to invest 16million plus 1000 workers with income staying in the local community, not pulling even a day of unemployment/welfare from the government coffers.

Yes punch it is low hanging fruit but he isn't even in office yet and he convinced them to back off moving all the jobs. Yes it's Pence's home state but that makes sense because that gave Trump credibility that he could get the state to agree with the plan.

To your point Matty, if 7mill over 10 years gets 16mill over the same10 AND keeps 1000 jobs in a state that's a win win every time.

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Old 12-01-2016, 10:11 PM   #42
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Re: Recount Opinions

No. It's not.
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Old 12-01-2016, 10:16 PM   #43
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Re: Recount Opinions

You will have to forgive me if I don't take a dyed in the wool socialist's advice on the best way to impact capitalistic behavior. I know I know. I'm a wild and crazy guy

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Old 12-01-2016, 10:17 PM   #44
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Carrier is tantamount to paying ransom. You are just begging for other companies to start thinking tax incentives. Trump said he was going to threaten these people during the campaign. This is an all time Smoke and mirrors.
And what about the 1300 jobs Carrier is still sending to Mexico? So take all of your calculations and cut them in less than half. Than would you sign up for that every day? In this case you are setting a dangerous precedent. So something isnt always better than nothing. Carrier got a huuuuuge tax break and still more than 50% of the work force is leaving. It is such fluff.
Such painfully evident throw the crowd a bone strategic crap move in the big picture.
Edit: just saw the bernie article. Say what u want about Bernie. Call him whatever you want. But he is spot on. I mean it is common fucking sense.
During campaign :
Trump - u leave ur dead to me and u will pay dearly to come back.
Now :
Trump - please ill pay u to keep 40 % of the jobs here?
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Old 12-01-2016, 10:28 PM   #45
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Re: Recount Opinions

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
Carrier is tantamount to paying ransom. You are just begging for other companies to start thinking tax incentives. Trump said he was going to threaten these people during the campaign. This is an all time Smoke and mirrors.
And what about the 1300 jobs Carrier is still sending to Mexico? So take all of your calculations and cut them in less than half. Than would you sign up for that every day? In this case you are setting a dangerous precedent. So something isnt always better than nothing. Carrier got a huuuuuge tax break and still more than 50% of the work force is leaving. It is such fluff.
Such painfully evident throw the crowd a bone strategic crap move in the big picture.
Edit: just saw the bernie article. Say what u want about Bernie. Call him whatever you want. But he is spot on. I mean it is common fucking sense.
During campaign :
Trump - u leave ur dead to me and u will pay dearly to come back.
Now :
Trump - please ill pay u to keep 40 % of the jobs here?
You are reacting off your gut. Look if it becomes the Oprah Winfrey show but with tax breaks (you get a million. You get a million every corporation gets a million) then it might be a bad thing. Again he isn't even president yet and maybe part of the conversations were you can choose this now or face a 35% tax once I am sworn in. I don't know how the negotiation went down.

I will stay with the fact that Baltimore just did a similar sweet deal to under armour and was getting praise by all the local Democrats. Jobs are rarely bad things to keep.

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