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Vick is a crybaby

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Old 09-26-2011, 01:44 PM   #76
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Brady is a well known whiner.
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Old 09-26-2011, 01:46 PM   #77
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by GreekSkin View Post
Daily Pigskin Report: Brady One of Games Biggest Whiners (Baltimore Sun)

just one example. Google Brady and whiner for more. When the "Brady Rule" first came about, plenty of people called him a whiner for it.
I stand corrected then.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:19 PM   #78
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

and Vick's hand is not even broken. pussy.

edit - just saw 12th already posted this...
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:20 PM   #79
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Brady is a whiner. I personally know plenty of fans that say it all the time.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:26 PM   #80
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
Vick is taking a beating because the Iggles FO made the same sh*tty decisions that our old FO used to make: Get a whole bunch of pricey free agents and disregard your offensive line. As I've said before, the Eagles' $100 million QB is being protected by a $2 dollar offensive line. Vick is being a crybaby, but I think the Iggles FO needs to be called out.
The Eagles OL is unquestionably a work in progress, but to (quickly) defend the Eagles for all the changes that Howard Mudd made to that group between the lockout and Week 1, I think a lot of the "pressure" for the Eagles to win right away has been fabricated.

It's been written a lot of times that it's super bowl or bust for the Eagles this year, but I haven't heard anyone around the organization or even an insider suggest that anyone in the Eagles FO actually believes that this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to win the super bowl.

It's true that Andy Reid is in the last year of his contract, but I think the Eagles plan on being better next year than they are this year. And this season is more a referendum on Reid/Castillo than it is on Vick or the OL/Howard Mudd, or Nnamdi/DRC, or Casey Matthews or whoever.

It's still fun to watch as the season melts down in front of them though. For all the angst that that team's successes have caused me during my falls, I have definitely reserved a special place in my heart for their continued failures.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:28 PM   #81
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

He needs to stop whining...then again it could be that NFL refs are dog lovers out for vengeance.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:28 PM   #82
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
I don't really have any strong opinions about whether Vick deserves more flags or if there's a racial component to it all, but Mick Vick is hardly soft. You might not like him, but soft? Get the f@ck outta here. He's probably one of the toughest, although not necessarily durable, players in the NFL. The guy gets knocked around like a ping pong ball and keeps on trucking.

As far as the hit in the Giants game, it was close but definitely helmet to helmet. Bottom line, had that been Tom Brady or Peyton Manning flags would have been all over the place.
Tough guys don't whine about getting hit. FBs and LBs are tough. McNabb throughout his career has been tough, Mark Brunell taking 57 sacks in a season w/Jax is tough, Archie Manning behind those awful Saints lines in the 70s without the QB rules today was tough, hell Jason Campbell is tough....but anyway this tunes been sung before by Vick/Reid.

Andy Reid bothered by hits on Michael Vick | ProFootballTalk

Par for the course with Vick, things get tough, it's somebody else's fault:

Michael Vick to judge: 'I am not the beast' -

"I'm very humble and caring...." Last I checked folks that are really humble don't go around saying, "I'm very humble".

"I've accepted responsibility for my actions...", but yet its the area he grew up in, or people around him that made him fund and actively participate in his dogfighting exploits.

"I apologize for my failed drug test...", my Daddy made me sad, so I smoked.....Come on man.

"Throughout this entire case, I've just tried to be honest..." Really???? Translation, I had to be honest because there were sworn affidavits and mountains of evidence against me, the Suffolk prosecutor was neutralized by the Feds, and I didn't want to get nailed with Federal perjury charges on top of everything else.

Vick is an incredibly gifted athlete, but has been coddled his whole life because of it. He thinks he's entitled to money, fame, winning games. Instead of being tough and a good leader and doing what he can (more film study to get rid of the ball faster, throw the ball away and not try to make every play with his feet, understand the OL calls/protections better) to correct the issues with his teammates/coaches he whines about the refs in a presser. Sorry, that ain't tough.

What he should've done was STFU, do what I mention above, and let Reid whine to the media.
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Old 09-26-2011, 02:47 PM   #83
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Whine to the refs, don't do it in a press conference
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:01 PM   #84
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

SS33, you're weaving the dog fighting charge into this argument which I have no interest in discussing. However, we could very easily go down the pecking order of star athletes across the sports world and I guarantee you there's a clip or quote somewhere of them being frustrated following a loss to a divisional foe. I don't think Mick Vick is anymore of whiner in this particular nstance than say, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Ledainian Tomlinson, or Michael Jordan for that matter. All star athletes have allowed the heat of the moment to get the best of them after a tough loss.

The difference here is Vick didn't call this presser. Had he initiated a Mike Vick Monday presser, stood in front of the cameras with the express purpose to rip the refs, then I'd say yeah this guy is being a little soft. But he didn't. His hand was banged up, his team just got their asses handed to them, and he was live 20 minutes later. What was he supposed to say, oh yeah, it's all good.

The title of the thread seems a little disingenuous because it singles out Mike Vick as soft or whiny and I don't feel he has a history of whining about being hit late or when things on the gridiron don't go his way.

My final point is, who in the hell are you ---or any of us-- to say Michael Vick has been coddled all of his life? We don't know shit about what Mike Vick went through to get to where he is. Do you know how hard it is to even make it on a major college team? Character flaws aside, he worked his ass off to get where he is. Even since leaving the Atlanta Falcons the guy has worked on his technique and improved his game in some key areas. It's not even up for dispute, he has become a better pocket passer. So I kind of take issue with the idea that things fell into his lap because "he's gifted" and people "coddled" him. He honed his gift, perfected his craft, and rose to the top of his profession. JaMarcus Russell is an example of someone being coddled and gifted and consequently washing out of the league. Same with Ryan Leaf. Both were immense talents, but they were just too arrogant and lazy to become better pros and excel.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:08 PM   #85
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Whine to the refs, don't do it in a press conference
As you would say, preach.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:09 PM   #86
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Whine to the refs, don't do it in a press conference
Ha..what is he supposed to do call them up on the cell? I think the public format where the fans get to hear what athletes are thinking in their most raw state is a part of the sport we also love. I don't care what a player thinks about the hit in the offseason, months later. It's not even news at that point. I want to know if he's pissed right now. Who's saying what and why did they say it. If it's every other week, then that's a different story.

It's not like these guys are working 9-5 office jobs and they can ask the boss out for a drink after work to hash things out. That luxury doesn't really exist in the NFL; or the NBA, NHL, MLB. Everything's real time. You're bustling off to prepare for the next opponent, getting rehabbed, watching game tape, etc.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:20 PM   #87
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Whether you know if he's pissed or not won't make a difference. But if he (and Reid) constantly (yet not annoyingly) talk to the refs during the games that will make a difference. It's what Brady and Belichick do, they work the system.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:23 PM   #88
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

All the greats work the refs on the field. You'll never hear Manning or Brady whining in the media. Calling out the refs in public isn't going to win you any points with them.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:30 PM   #89
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

He's certainly sparked some debate w/his comments, MIke & Mike were getting into a discussion over it this morning.

I expect in a day or two, he'll apologize. He spoke out of frustration. Unless they say something really personal about somebody, I'll give any of these guys a pass for speaking off the cuff right after a loss every once in a while.
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Old 09-26-2011, 03:30 PM   #90
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

It starts by getting to know the ref by first name, remembering what their likes are, asking about their family, etc. Then it comes to complaining or noting about calls at the correct time in the right way.

Refs are trained not to favor players based on this, but it is psychological.
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